In-your-face apostasy in Abu Dhabi…

The World NEEDS Hindu Temples?
More on ‘Bp.’ Martinelli’s Effusive Praise of Hinduism

On Feb. 4, 2025, we reported on a blasphemous speech given almost a year ago by the Vicar Apostolic of Southern Arabia, ‘Bp.’ Paolo Martinelli, OFM Cap., in Abu Dhabi, UAE, for the opening of a Hindu temple:

For the text of the speech, we relied on the official script published at the web site of the Vicariate of Southern Arabia. We have since come to find out, however, that during his actual delivery of the address, Martinelli spontaneously added further remarks, and they made the matter even worse.

Here is what Martinelli said impromptu during his otherwise scripted speech:

I visited his holy [Hindu] temple, as a marvelous thing to see. Such a beauty which is able to remind us [of] the fundamental relationship we have with God. We need such a place, which is able to keep us in contact with God! Thank you very much.

This ‘Roman Catholic bishop’ seems entirely unbothered by the fact that Hindus do not worship the true God, the Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. They do not even worship the one true God as He can be known from reason alone, apart from revelation: “The knowledge of God is clear to their minds; God himself has made it clear to them; from the foundations of the world men have caught sight of his invisible nature, his eternal power and his divineness, as they are known through his creatures. Thus there is no excuse for them” (Rom 1:19-20; Knox translation). It is for that reason that the Psalmist rightly calls the atheist a fool, because he is not following right reason: “The fool said in his heart: There is no God” (Ps 52:1).

Hindu worship encompasses a large range of deities — who or what is adored can differ from individual to individual and will depend on a number of factors, including regional traditions and personal preferences. Among the most popular gods many Hindus worship are Shiva, Ganesha, Vishnu, Hanuman, and Durga.

As the Catholic Encyclopedia of 1910 notes:

In the pantheistic all-god Brahma, the whole world of deities, spirits, and other objects of worship is contained, so that Hinduism adapts itself to every form of religion, from the lofty monotheism of the cultivated Brahmin to the degraded nature-worship of the ignorant, half savage peasant. Hinduism, to quote Monier Williams, “has something to offer which is suited to all minds. Its very strength lies in its infinite adaptability to the infinite diversity of human characters and human tendencies. It has its highly spiritual and abstract side suited to the metaphysical philosopher — its practical and concrete side suited to the man of affairs and the man of the world — its esthetic and ceremonial side suited to the man of poetic feeling and imagination — its quiescent and contemplative side suited to the man of peace and lover of seclusion. Nay, it holds out the right hand of brotherhood to nature-worshippers, demon-worshippers, animal-worshippers, tree-worshippers, fetish-worshippers. It does not scruple to permit the most grotesque forms of idolatry, and the most degrading varieties of superstition. And it is to this latter fact that yet another remarkable peculiarity of Hinduism is mainly due — namely, that in no other system in the world is the chasm more vast which separates the religion of the higher, cultured, and thoughtful classes from that of the lower, uncultured, and unthinking masses” (Brahmanism and Hinduism, 1891, p. 11).

(Catholic Encyclopedia, s.v. “Hinduism”)

Since the publication of our last post, we have created a 5-minute video drawing attention to the apostasy contained in ‘Bp.’ Martinelli’s speech at the ‘Day of Harmony’ celebration for the opening of the local Hindu temple in Abu Dhabi. In particular, the video contrasts Martinelli’s words with the stark reality of what Hindu worship actually looks like:

(Can’t see the video? Click here to watch on YouTube)

We also discuss the Martinelli speech in our latest podcast episode, TRADCAST EXPRESS 203 (starting at the 9:50 min mark):

(Can’t see the video? Click here to watch on YouTube)

The episode is also available through the embedded Soundcloud player below, or as a downloadable online file here (right-click link to download).

We will end this brief post with a divinely-inspired reminder from St. Paul: “But the things which the heathens sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God. And I would not that you should be made partakers with devils” (1 Corinthians 10:20).

Clearly, St. Paul was writing before Vatican II.

Image source: composite with elements from YouTube (screenshots)
Licenses: fair use

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