Even the all-holy Mother of God is still only a creature…

Francis Calls Virgin Mary the ‘Maternal Face of God’

The Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio — aka ‘Pope’ Francis — loves to introduce heresy, error, blasphemy, idolatry, tension, and confusion, no matter from what direction, or even from opposite directions at more or less the same time. As long as something is wrong or confusing, he has no problem with it!

We see this again today, when the Vatican released a ‘papal’ message dated June 29, 2024, for the 1,500th anniversary of the image of Saint Mary in Portico to the rector general of the Order of Clerics Regular of the Mother of God, the false pontiff remarked:

I urge you to look to Mary as a sign of consolation and sure hope, the maternal face of God and a dwelling place of refuge: indeed, she continually gives Her Son as the sole source of concord, hope of salvation, way for peace, absolute imperative of the human quest.

(Antipope Francis, Message to Mark 1500th Anniversary of the Cult of the Venerated Image of Saint Mary in Portico, Vatican.va, July 17, 2024; underlining added.)

It should be clear to all that the Blessed Virgin Mary is not the ‘maternal face of God’, if for no other reason than that she is not divine but merely a creature. Yes, she is the Mother of God and in that sense we celebrate her Divine Maternity every October 11, but she is not the Face of God, whether maternal or otherwise. Idolatry is idolatry, no matter what creature is being adored.

It is true, of course, that our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ has the Face of God, but that is because He is God, God Incarnate: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us…” (Jn 1:1,14); “Philip, he that seeth me seeth the Father also” (Jn 14:9).

The idea that the Blessed Virgin is divine and to be adored is known as the heresy of Collyridianism: “Some women in the 5th century in Arabia gave the absolute cult of latria to the Virgin. Because they offered to the Virgin as to a goddess collyrides, or cakes, as a sacrifice, they are called collyridians“, writes Fr. J. A. de Aldama in his tract “On the Blessed Virgin Mary” (in Sacrae Theologiae Summa, vol. IIIA, n. 234, p. 497; italics given).

In his marvelous encyclical on the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Pope Pius XII warned:

Theologians and preachers, however, when treating these and like questions concerning the Blessed Virgin, must avoid straying from the correct course, with a twofold error to guard against: that is to say, they must beware of unfounded opinions and exaggerated expressions which go beyond the truth, on the other hand, they must watch out for excessive narrowness of mind in weighing that exceptional, sublime, indeed all but divine dignity of the Mother of God, which the Angelic Doctor teaches must be attributed to her “because of the infinite goodness that is God” [St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, I, q. 25, a. 6, ad 4].

(Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Ad Caeli Reginam, n. 44; underlining added.)

In a radio message delivered two weeks after the release of the encyclical, the same Pope reminded his audience that a proper study of Mariology

will go along the correct middle way, avoiding whatever falsely and intemperately goes beyond the bounds of truth, while keeping apart from those who are filled with a kind of unreasonable fear of conceding more than they ought to the Blessed Virgin, or, as they frequently say, a fear that some honor and confidence is withheld from the Divine Redeemer Himself when His Mother is honored and invoked with filial reverence.

(Pope Pius XII, Radio Message to the Second International Mariological Congress and the Ninth International Marian Congress in Rome, Oct. 24, 1954; in The Pope Speaks, vol. I, issue 4 [fourth quarter, 1954], p. 345; underlining added.)

‘Pope’ Francis most likely borrowed the term ‘maternal face of God’ from the Brazilian liberation theologian Leonardo Boff (b. 1938), who published a book by that name in Portuguese in 1979, later released in English translation: The Maternal Face of God: The Feminine and Its Religious Expressions (San Francisco, CA: Harper & Row, 1987).

Also, the notorious apostate-in-Franciscan-habit, ‘Fr.’ Richard Rohr, once used the term ‘maternal face of God’ as a title for one of his talks. Since ‘Pope’ Francis is an admirer of Rohr’s work, he may have gotten it from Rohr instead, though Boff is a much more likely source.

Of course some will argue that Bergoglio is just soo devoted to the Blessed Mother that he accidentally overstated his case, but let’s not kid ourselves.

On Dec. 12, 2019, the fake pope gave a sermon during a Novus Ordo worship service for Our Lady of Guadalupe, in which he pointed out that the Blessed Mother “never wished to appropriate anything of her Son for herself”, a truth which he immediately hihacked as evidence that she could not be Co-Redemptrix, despite the teaching of the papal magisterium on the matter. Later on in the same homily, Francis brazenly rejected the Co-Redemption as “foolishness” (tonteras in the original Spanish, which the Vatican translator smoothed over by rendering it, inaccurately, as “chatter”).

This is the man who is supposedly so devoted to the Mother of God that he is now willing to speak of her as being the Face of God — in a written (not off-the-cuff) message, no less?

From time to time Bergoglio does indeed feign a devotion to the Holy Virgin, but at other times he is quite happy to insult the Immaculate Mother of God. Remember?

Besides, considering how he constantly blasphemes her Divine Son, it is clear that Bergoglio does not love the Mother of God either.

Image source: composite with elements from YouTube (screenshot) and Shutterstock (Tanakorn Moolsarn)
Licenses: fair use and paid

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