Captivating presentation…

Fascinating Parallels:
Church History Prefigured by the Old Testament

For year’s end, we’re happy to share an exciting and fascinating presentation that was recently featured on the Catholic Family Podcast with host Kevin Davis.

The guest on this particular episode, released on Nov. 14, 2023, was Dominic from the Maccabean Uprising web site. In this presentation, he demonstrates in summary fashion that the history of the Catholic Church bears striking resemblance to the history of the Old Covenant.

As noted on the web site:

The Omnipotence of God is infinite! In a small demonstration of His power, it seems that He has caused the entire history of the Catholic Church to be prefigured by the entire history of Israel in the Old Testament. He has been doing this since the very beginning, and in the same chronological order!

This act of God is Divine Poetry, using our history as His pen and paper. The Maccabean Uprising project seeks to demonstrate this Divine phenomena, through our poor online efforts.


For Maccabean Uprising, there is also a corresponding YouTube channel and Facebook page.

That the Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ is a truth rooted in Divine Revelation (see Col 1:24). Indeed, as Pope Pius XII declared: “The doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ, which is the Church, was first taught us by the Redeemer Himself” (Encyclical Mystici Corporis, n. 1). It is not merely a slogan, it is a profound reality filled with meaning.

Just as so many personages in the Old Testament prefigured the Sacred Person of Our Blessed Lord, so it seems that the entirety of the Old Covenant prefigured Our Lord in His Mystical Body, the Church:

Seeing God work in such marvelous fashion is very beautiful and helps to reassure anxious souls that even in our crazy and complex times, God has not abandoned His Church but providentially guides all that He allows to take place, which He has foreknown from all eternity.

Whenever we are puzzled or discouraged by events, let us return to contemplating our Divine Savior in the Crib and on the Cross. His Words are true! And He promised: “…behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world” (Mt 28:20).

Image source: YouTube (screenshot)
License: fair use

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