Talk about useless commands…

Swiss Novus Ordo Bishop: “A church in which the priests give the commands, is embarrassing, infertile, and useless!”

Mr. Joseph Bonnemain is one of the latest additions to the Bergoglian bunch of Novus Ordo bishops. A member of Opus Dei, the 73-year-old was made a “bishop” only earlier this year and now heads the diocese of Chur in eastern Switzerland. This diocese was formerly led by “Bp.” Vitus Huonder, who is now with the Lefebvrists.

As we showed in a prior post, Bonnemain is a man after “Pope” Francis’ heart:

The fact that the new “bishop” in Chur has no problem giving “Holy Communion” to known Protestants, blessing sodomite couples, or promoting case-by-case situation ethics, gives a glimpse as to what must be going on behind his forehead, and it’s not Catholicism.… READ MORE