Bergoglian ideology intrudes into Litany of Loreto…

“Comfort of Migrants” – Francis adds new Invocation to Litany of Blessed Virgin Mary

The Frankster is at it again.

Today, June 20, 2020, he had his underling in the so-called Congregation for Divine Worship add three new titles for Our Lady to the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also called the Litany of Loreto. The first two are orthodox and not objectionable — the third one is born of Bergoglio’s liberation theology:

  • Mother of Mercy (Mater Misericordiae)
  • Mother of Hope (Mater Spei)
  • Comfort of Migrants (Solacium Migrantium)

“The first invocation shall be placed after ‘Mater Ecclesiæ’ [Mother of the Church], the second after ‘Mater divinæ gratiæ’ [Mother of Divine Grace], while the third shall be placed after ‘Refugium peccatorum’ [Refuge of Sinners]”, “Cardinal” Robert Sarah notes in the official letter announcing the addition of the new titles.… READ MORE