“Hermeneutic of Continuity” update…

Vatican celebrates 60 Years of Ecumenism:
How it Contradicts Catholic Doctrine

Jorge Bergoglio with other non-Catholics in 2014

On Jan. 6, 1928, Pope Pius XI released Mortalium Animos, a magnificent encyclical against the false attempts at religious unity, today collectively known as “ecumenism”, that were beginning to blossom at the time.

Although the ecumenism that the Vatican II religion today worships as a new Golden Calf is not entirely identical to the ecumenism Pius XI condemned almost 100 years ago, it is nevertheless the very same error in essence, for it arose from it and still seeks a union between Catholics and non-Catholics that does not consist of what the same Pope identified as the only possible union: “…[T]he union of Christians can only be promoted by promoting the return to the one true Church of Christ of those who are separated from it, for in the past they have unhappily left it” (Mortalium Animos, n.… READ MORE