Explicit blasphemy in “Catholic” newspaper…
Italian Novus Ordo Paper publishes Blasphemous Comic showing St. Mary Magdalen slapping Jesus Christ
The infernal Modernist Sect currently occupying Vatican City is becoming bolder and bolder in its apostasy, blasphemy, immorality, and impiety. The Italian Novus Ordo daily Avvenire, which is owned by the country’s so-called “Catholic bishops”, has been running a comic strip called “Hello, Jesus!”, in which the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is irreverently displayed as a cartoon character and thus put on a level with Dilbert, Garfield, and Bullwinkle. The author-artist of the cartoon series is Sergio Staino, who “is a member of the Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics” (source). More of his blasphemous “art” is displayed to the public on the comic strip’s home page at Avvenire.
In the Feb. 25, 2018 edition of Avvenire, the comic’s blasphemy hit a new low: It shows St. Mary Magdalen striking our Lord Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to display the blasphemous cartoon on this page, simply because we have to prove that we’re not making this up:

Here is a translation of the words in the speech balloons:
Oh, hi Magdelen!
How do you like it? …Isn’t my hat nice?
Oh my God, let me say yes… Say yes! …Say yes!
It’s horrible!
Father, Father… Why am I condemned to always have to tell the truth?
Words fail at such incredible blasphemy, at such disgusting, stone-hearted, and wicked mockery of the King of kings, the Lord of lords, who gave every drop of Blood He had in order to win our love so that our souls could be saved from an eternity in hell, which we so richly deserve.
This comic is also, of course, an incredible insult against St. Mary Magdalen, the famous penitent who loved Jesus more and regretted her own sins more than most people in this world ever have and ever will: “Many sins are forgiven her, because she hath loved much” (Lk 7:47). She who together with the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. John the Evangelist were the only three disciples who faithfully remained with Christ at the foot of the Cross while He was patiently enduring His Crucifixion for our salvation, she is displayed in this comic strip as a vain woman who does not fear to strike God Himself!
What can one say at the sight of such incredible evil, published with the knowledge of the editors of this “Catholic” paper?! We are reminded of the Improperia of our Lord, the Good Friday Reproaches of our Crucified Redeemer: “My People, what have I done to you? How have I offended you? Answer Me.”
Will the Italian “bishops” take any action concerning this? They own the paper. Will “Pope” Francis? Don’t count on it. On the contrary: This kind of contempt of the true God is right in line with Francis’ own penchant for blasphemy and blasphemous humor. He is on record cracking a joke about the unity of the Trinity; he has made the Crucifixion of Christ the butt of a joke he told to a Jew; he has said Christ made Himself the Devil on the Cross; and so much more (see a substantial list at our “Pope” Francis topical page here).
With St. Paul we recall: “Be not deceived, God is not mocked” (Gal 6:7). And with the Psalmist we can only say: “Rise up, O Lord, in Thy anger…” (Ps 7:7).
O Lord, we beg Thee, bring to a swift end this abominable Masonic-Modernistic sect which has usurped the Catholic structures since the death of our Holy Father, Pope Pius XII. O Lord, make haste to help us!
Image source: cooperatores-veritatis.org
License: Fair use
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