Just act surprised…
Ugly as Sin: The Vatican’s 2017 Easter Card
It’s that time of the year again when Jorge Bergoglio sends out greeting cards, and it’s not pretty — literally.
For Easter this year, Francis chose a design by the same artist whose work was featured on the 2014 Christmas card, which drew everybody’s immediate attention to a donkey’s rump, which was the most prominently featured part of the card.
Victor Delhez is the man’s name, and a picture of his Risurrezione engraving is displayed on the front of Francis’ official Easter card. Here is what it looks like (click picture to enlarge, at your own risk):

(image source: Twitter)
The inside of the card looks as follows:

(image source: Twitter)
Out of all the beautiful paintings of the Resurrection and the Resurrected Christ they could have chosen, the Vatican under “Pope” Francis chose, of course, one of the ugliest designs they could find.
Perhaps we should be thankful that they did not choose a photo of the hideous “Resurrection” sculpture that “adorns” the Vatican’s Paul VI audience hall, designed by Pericle Fazzini (click photo to enlarge):
(image source: Wikimedia Commons / public domain)
Yes, this diabolical piece of “art” has been sitting there as the backdrop for indoor “papal” audiences since 1977. It is all out there in the open for those who bother to look.
All this matches perfectly with the ugly croziers (pastoral staffs) the papal pretenders have liked to use, in particular Paul VI’s “Broken Cross” and Francis’ “Millipede Christ” and his “Dental Pick”.
Still, we have to give credit where credit is due: This is all perhaps simply part of a ‘Truth in Advertising’ campaign. After all, the ghastly appearance of these works of “art” certainly reflects the ugliness of the Novus Ordo religion and the many “papal” blasphemies that constantly pour forth from Bergoglio’s impious mouth.
The ‘ “Resurrection” ‘ in the Paul Vl hall is a monstrosity. It really represents the dumbing down of Christ’s Divinity and His power over death, which is what Bergoglio does every time he opens his mouth.
Wasn’t there a push by theologians, post Vatll, to emphasize Christ’s humanity more. They thought His Divinity made Catholics too unrealistic about their Catholic faith. Too spiritual. Those theogical geniuses wanted an earth bound Christ.
This post reminds me of certain aspects of my own spiritual awakening and long difficult journey. Because I live a deep interior life, I never paid much attention to art, not even realizing how art always mirrors the moral state of the culture it flourishes in.
And foolishly, I assumed that religious art had no relevance for today’s advanced technological world.
Once I let that go I saw that I love Renaissance art, much of it housed in the Vatican. It’s the intangible atmosphere of profound Christian spirituality that drew me even though I didn’t understand it for years.
It was the gift of those great men to infuse their Christian art with GOD’S TRANSENDENCE. It’s the subject matter obviously, – the Annunciation, Christ’s Resurrection, et al. Our eyes reverently take it in. But it’s more than that. Their souls were Catholic, and drank from the Catholic culture that shaped them. They had a deep love of Christ’s Divinity. Even those artists who were tormented by the effects of Original Sin and rebelliousness against church prohibitions, could only imbue their art with their yearning for the unearthly. For the grandeur of their spiritual vision compelled them to seek God through their great artistic gifts.
A far cry from what passes for art today, which more often than not, is blasphemous, or too vulgar to mention.
Fazzini’s La Resurrezione looks like a depiction of Neptune.
the donkey appeared in the 2014 christmas card.
Very weird and lugubre in any case indeed.
This “art” affirms that one cannot expect beauty from what is base. The Novus Ordo culture abandoned the True Faith for a diabolic Protestant baseness that is reflected in the works of art it selects. If the art is not heretical it is ugly, crass and uninspiring (unless one counts revulsion).
These people in Rome are going straight to hell. Their art looks like hell and their doctrines come straight from hell. We constantly hear about how Francis isn’t pope, but their whole religion isn’t the least bit Catholic.
This image is made by a sick mind, and handed out by one that is even sicker. A perfect example of how once losing, if they ever had it, the grace Our Lord bestows upon His children their souls become filthy and distorted.
The image could fit a comic magazine…
Exactly my thoughts.
Its Barabbas! He has risen! Barabbas has risen!
The “Christ” depicted on the card looks more like a character from Kubrick’s 1960 film Spartacus, a pro-communist take on a slave revolt in ancient Rome. The movie’s radical credentials are undeniable, as its screenplay was by the blacklisted writer, Dalton Trumbo.
As Pat Buchanan points out, Trumbo was no victim of a witch hunt, but a literal card-carrying member of the Communist Party of the USA. http://buchanan.org/blog/dalton-trumbo-had-it-coming-124238
So, from that perspective, it’s really fitting that Francis chose such a design, as it’s totally in keeping with his revolutionary, blasphemous take on the Savior. Remember this? http://novusordowatch.org/2015/07/francis-dedicates-blasphemous-crucifix-to-mary/
I thought the ‘Christ’ figure to be strikingly reminiscent of any number of old DC comic book representations of Superman in flight. “Up! Up! And Away!”
Being mentally ill is practically a prerequisite for being a professional artist these days.
It’s Jesus as superman.
This is the superman complex — they can’t help themselves.
Not yet. Tel Aviv keeps calling though.
I have a question. I can’t figure out what that dark/black shape is above the right hand and below the crosses. Does anyone know or have an idea?
Auction? Try chainsaws and gasoline. That thing needs to be chopped and burned to dust.
If you look at the head of the so-called “resurrection” monstrosity, it looks like a snake sneering at his left hand. It looks like the anti-christ, or Beelzebub. These modernist/masonic freaks are bold. Reminds me of “abomination of desolation”. Its definitely and abomination!