Soap opera episode no. 889…

SSPX-Rome Reconciliation: Vatican’s “Abp.” Guido Pozzo says “The Holy Father is Pressing Forward”

These days, barely a day goes by when someone in the Vatican isn’t giving some sort of an interview. Today it was “Archbishop” Guido Pozzo’s turn once more.

Pozzo is the secretary for the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, the Vatican’s dicastery that exclusively deals with matters pertaining to the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). The name Ecclesia Dei is derived from the document that established the commission, John Paul II‘s eponymous motu proprio of July 2, 1988, in which the definitive rift with the SSPX was formalized after Abp.… READ MORE

It’s that time of the year again…

It’s Confession Time!
Today’s Edition of the Francis Show at St. Peter’s

Today it was time again for Francis’ annual “watch me go to confession” show in St. Peter’s. The video of the Vatican’s entire penitential liturgy can be viewed here; but Rome Reports has published just the relevant clip:

Presumably, no one was playing Sudoku in the confessionals of St. Peter’s today. We remember the complaint that was lodged by a young Novus Ordo priest who had experienced on several occasions that the “priests” in the basilica’s confessionals were more interested in playing games or reading the paper than actually hearing confessions.… READ MORE