Our series continues…
An Introduction to Sedevacantism
Part II: Vatican II’s Teaching on False Religions as Means of Salvation
Last August, we began a video series introducing newcomers to Sedevacantism in a way that is easy to follow, provides airtight argumentation, and does not overwhelm.
The first part of the series put before the viewer the Second Vatican Council’s new doctrine on the Church (ecclesiology), according to which the Church of Jesus Christ no longer is the Catholic Church, as taught by Pope Pius XII and all of his predecessors, but instead now “subsists in” it. Those who have not yet seen this first part or would like to view it again, may do so at this link:
Today we are releasing our second part in the series, which focuses on Vatican II’s heretical teaching that God uses false religions as means of salvation. The council blasphemously asserted:
It follows that the separated Churches and Communities as such, though we believe them to be deficient in some respects, have been by no means deprived of significance and importance in the mystery of salvation. For the Spirit of Christ has not refrained from using them as means of salvation which derive their efficacy from the very fullness of grace and truth entrusted to the Church.
(Second Vatican Council, Decree Unitatis Redintegratio, n. 3)
To laud a false religion for being able, for example, to administer valid baptism because it has stolen this sacrament from the Catholic Church, is despicable, and certainly not something the true Catholic Church could ever do. Even in such a scenario, of course, God does not use the false religion — in itself a means of damnation — as a means of salvation, He merely tolerates the false religion’s illicit use of a Catholic sacrament. This makes any involvement of the false religion accidental at best.
Here is our second video:
As in the first installment, so too in this second part we do not simply rely on our own interpretation of Vatican II but cite the Novus Ordo Sect’s own theological authorities to explain what the council means. Considering that the post-conciliar church has continually acted as though Protestants did not need to renounce their errors and become Catholics to be saved — as Francis recently did quite vividly by insisting that converting heretics is a “great sin against ecumenism” — this underscores further that we are understanding the doctrine of the council correctly, for the Novus Ordo Sect obviously acts in accordance with its own teachings. Indeed, the preacher of the “papal” household, Capuchin Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, has even gone on record blasphemously claiming that false religions “are not merely tolerated by God … but positively willed by Him as an expression of the inexhaustible richness of His grace and His will for everyone to be saved” (Sermon of March 29, 2002; English taken from here)!
We hope that our Introduction to Sedevacantism series will be helpful to many. Be sure to share it with friends and family, co-workers and fellow-parishioners. Ask them for their opinion of the video — that’s always a good conversation starter.
For those who are interested in “more”, we also recommend the following:
- The Syllogism of Sedevacantism — Bp. Donald Sanborn
- Why Sedevacantism? — Fr. Anthony Cekada
- Have the Gates of Hell Prevailed? — Novus Ordo Watch
- Topic: Sedevacantism — Novus Ordo Watch
- Topic: Ecumenism & Interreligious Dialogue — Novus Ordo Watch
This series continues in the next installment:
“Given the fact that the history of the Reformation was marked by painful division, this is a very remarkable achievement. The Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity has worked hard to produce a shared understanding of the commemoration. Its important report, From Conflict to Communion, recognizes that both traditions approach this anniversary in an ecumenical age, with the achievements of fifty years of dialogue behind them, and with new understandings of their own history and theology. Separating that which is polemical from the theological insights of the Reformation, Catholics are now able to hear Luther’s challenge for the Church of today, recognising him as a “witness to the gospel” (From Conflict to Communion 29). And so after centuries of mutual condemnations and vilification, in 2017 Lutheran and Catholic Christians will for the first time commemorate together the beginning of the Reformation.”
“From Conflict to Communion…” in truth, ‘from Christ to belial’.
MARTIN LUTHER … “Christ committed adultery first of all with the woman at the well about whom St. John tells us. Was not everybody about Him saying: ‘Whatever has he been doing with her?’ Secondly, with Mary Magdalene ,
and thirdly with the woman taken in adultery whom he dismissed so lightly. Thus even Christ, who was so righteous, must have been guilty of fornication before He died.” (Table Talk , Weimar edition, vol. 2., no. 1472, April 7 – May 1, 1532; Wiener, p. 33).
“But Christ took upon Himself all of our sin, and thus He died upon the cross. Therefore he had to become that which we are, namely a sinner, a murderer, evildoer, etc….For insofar as he is a victim for the sins of the whole world, He is not now such a person as is innocent and without sin, is not God’s
Son in all glory, but a sinner, abandoned by God for a short time. Psalms 8:6.” (Detailed Explanation of the Epistle to the Galatians, part 2, fourth argument, Walch edition, vol. 8, p. 2165, nos. 321-324).
“Then one should take him, the Pope, the cardinals, and lackeys of his idolatrous and papal Holiness, and, since they are blasphemers, tear their tongues out the back of their necks and hang them on the gallows in a row…although such is very little compared to their blasphemy and idolatry. Thus one should let them hold a council, or as many as they wish, on the gallows, or amongst all the devils in hell.” (“Against the Papacy in Rome, founded by the devil”, Walch ed., vol. 17, section 5, p. 1333, no. 79).
“For I cannot pray without cursing. If I should say: Hallowed be thy name; I must add; Cursed, damned, and reviled be the name of the Papists, and of all who blaspheme against thy name… Indeed so I pray every day aloud, and continuously in my heart, as do all with me who believe in Christ, and I do feel that we are heard.” (Erlangen edition, vol. 25, p. 108).
“This preaching ought to by rights be accepted and listened to with great joy, and everyone ought to improve himself thereby and become more pious…But unfortunately, the reverse is now the case, for now we see the people becoming more infamous, more avaricious, more unmerciful, more unchaste and in every way worse than they were under Popery.” (“Sermon on the first Sunday of Advent on St. Matthew’s Gospel 21: 1-9, held in 1533, [Hauspostille]”, Erlangen ed., vol. 1, p. 14).
“The sting of the flesh may easily be helped as long as girls and women are to be found” (Grisar, Fr. Hartmann S. J. Luther, vol. 4, p. 126).. …..
Luther, yes all Protestants – and that includes every operating Novus Ordite – the above is your root.
It has become very obvious to me that Bergolio cannot be Pope of the Catholic Church. The problem is one of definition when discussing this issue with other traditionalists. Bergolio is certainly the Pope of the Modernist Conciliar Novus Ordo Vatican 2 sect, but he was never a Roman Catholic Pope. Many Trads can easily identify a modernist when they see one. Why they associate these modernists with Roman Catholicism is beyond comprehension.
Is it really beyond comprehension? Modernist clerics claim to be catholic, occupy what were once catholic church structures and institutes, and are awknowleged to be catholic by all governments and most of society. The sedevacantist case is very compelling, I think, but it doesn’t get out there into traditionalist “orbits.”