Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
July 4, 2016
The perfect place for Ramadan Iftar Dinner celebrations? – A “Catholic” Church, of course!
- Steamroller Bergoglio doubles down: In New Interview, Francis vows he won’t be slowed down by “Ultra-Conservatives”! — Michael Voris, please put this into your Ignortex folder!
- Is “Communion” for Protestants next? The “Papal” Newspaper says YES! — It wouldn’t be a surprise, since the principle has already been admitted in the 1983 Novus Ordo Code of Canon Law…
- That figures: “Fr.” James Martin’s “Reflections on [Perversity] Pride” in Jesuit Magazine America
- They should have just kept him: “Cardinal” Schonborn visits Sikh community in Vienna — Priceless photos!
- “Happy Ramadan!” Vatican’s Message to Muslims endorses their False Religion, claims Ramadan can be “spiritually rewarding” and is “esteemed” by Christians, and their pilgrimages allow them to “experience God’s mercy”!
- Apostasy rising: Vatican Hosts Believers of Numerous Religions to Consider ‘Recommendations for Conduct’ — Efforts to create an apostate, dogma-less universal religion continue… Reality Check: Pope Pius XI’s Encyclical Mortalium Animos condemned precisely that
- But only the Muslims, probably: Pope Francis invites refugees to sit with him at the general audience
- ‘Oops, did I say that?’ — “Archbishop” Ganswein’s Damage Control after Speech on Benedict XVI as “Contemplative” Quasi-Pope
- On 65th Anniversary of his Priesthood, Benedict XVI seeks “Transubstantiation of the World” — This is one way in which Modernists denigrate Catholic dogma: by using a Catholic term and then changing its meaning, applying it something else
- Novus Ordo Academics struggle with their manifestly non-Catholic “Pope”: “We are being put to the Test”
- Who’s to blame for Orlando Homo Night Club Shooting? “Bishop” Lynch has the answer: Catholics, of course! — While the Least Rev. Noonan of Orlando provokes God’s wrath with interreligious bereavement service
- Look, folks, our Blessed Lord isn’t going to make sede vacante any more obvious than this: Francis says he often doubts his “Faith” and even rebukes Christ! — Likewise: According to Francis: Christ was dirty, failed against Morality, and behaved like a Fool!
- On the Vatican’s damage-control manipulation of “Papal” Speech Transcripts: Not to worry, they’ve been doing that since John XXIII!
- “Cardinal” Muller has figured it out: Francis can be hard to follow because of “Pace of Prophecy”!
- Clear indications as to what’s coming: SSPX Acclimating Adherents to Accept the Conciliar Revolution
- New Interview Book with Benedict XVI to appear in September: Final Conversations discusses “Gay Mafia”, Resignation, and more
- We told you so: Vatican’s “Abp.” Guido Pozzo confirms No Setback in SSPX Dialogue after Bp. Fellay’s June 29 Communique
- SSPX Asian Superior tries to keep his sheeple in line: Fr. Karl Stehlin’s fiery “Shut up and Pray” Sermon (English)
- “The First Muslim”: How “preach-the-Gospel-always” Francis confirms Mohammedans in their False Religion
- Francis’ broken sermon record again: Blah blah Church closed in on herself… blah blah God’s Surprises…
- He can join Bishop Fellay in weeping: Austrian Phenomenologist Joseph Seifert says we must “cry” because of Francis’ False Gospel
- No time for family of Asia Bibi, who is on death row in Pakistan for “blasphemy”, Francis meets with mother of Death Row inmate in Texas
- No teenage mutant turtles, but at least this much: Meet the “Papal Ninja” taking TV by storm
- The Star Wars Religion: ‘This is my light saber’ – Tulsa’s new “bishop” makes his own staff
- Bp. Richard Williamson again recommends dangerous & condemned Valtorta book Poem of the Man-God
- For those who think that all this New World Order stuff is just crazy conspiracy nonsense: Explicitly Satanic Ceremony for opening of Swiss Gotthard Tunnel and Part 2 HERE — CAUTION! Very indecent pictures, incl. nudity!
- What’s one more heresy at this point? Francis claims Protestants have a mission to evangelize — Reality Check: “Forasmuch as we have heard, that some going out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls; to whom we gave no commandment” (Acts 15:24); “If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema” (Gal 1:9); “Whosoever revolteth, and continueth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God” (2 Jn 9)
- Neo-Conservatives against Neo-Traditionalists: New Oxford Review slams The Remnant for Schism
- Francis scandalizes not just Novus Ordos but also Protestants: A Rebuke for “Father” Zuhlsdorf’s cavalier Dismissal of Francis issues
- That’s it: “We’ve had bad Popes in Church history, but Francis isn’t one of them” — That had to come from Mr. Longenecker… By the way, there’s an infinite difference between Bad Popes and Non-Catholic “Popes”…
- So many scandalous errors and blasphemies in just one sitting! Francis’ Outrageous Chaos Speech of June 17, 2016 — And here the official Vatican slightly sanitized Transcript (too bad they forgot to delete the heresy!)
- Watch at your own risk: The songs that weave 16 years of World Youth Day’s together
- Bergoglio the Blasphemer and Apostate: “Pope Francis – Longtime Zionist Tool”
- Resignationism (saying Benedict XVI is still Pope) continues to be the attractive alternative for all who can see through Francis but don’t want to admit Sedevacantism….
- Tom Droleskey has a Reality Check for SSPX Adherents and Bp. Fellay Admirers: True Popes Never Need To Convert To The Catholic Faith
- All you need is a computer with an internet connection: Digital Vatican Library now open to General Public
- A Forgotten Hero consecrated by Pope Pius XII: A Tribute to Bishop Blaise Kurz (1894-1973)
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