Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
July 21, 2016
Ready for World Youth Day: The Polish Dancing “Nuns”!
- It’s official: The “Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne”, Australia, has become Muslim
- How to fill up a “Catholic” church in Belgium? Invite Muslims to have their Ramadan dinner party there!
- Austin points out a Ruse: Why it’s time to stop reading the “Catholic” Bloggers at Patheos and Aleteia — You know, the whole gang: Fisher, Shea, Armstrong, Pezzulo, Longenecker, etc.
- The Bergoglio Empire strikes back: After critics complain about Amoris Laetitia, Vatican ramps up Defense
- Novus Ordo Bishop of Wurzburg says he is “speechless” after Axe Attack on Train Passengers — They don’t know what to say because their Naturalist worldview does not allow for the stark reality of fallen human nature
- How low they have fallen: So-called Catholic Theological Society of America gives Top Honor to Open Sodomite
- Priceless: ‘Francis does not need a Spin Doctor’, says Francis’ Spin Doctor
- Another book that will give false hope to many and ultimately accomplish nothing except lots of sales for Ignatius Press: Hope for the World: To Unite All Things in Christ by “Cardinal” Raymond Burke (that’s THIS guy)
- How did that ever happen?! New official figures: Fewer Churchgoers, Parishes, and Priests in Germany — And Francis is only accelerating that, because when you turn religion into nothing more than a glorified humanitarian organization with staffers wearing funny clothes, people realize there’s no point to it…
- Perfect choice! Francis appoints Protestant theologian as head of Vatican Newspaper in Argentina — Make sure you add this to your “You Sedevacantists are just a bunch of Protestants!!” file…
- Bishop Fellay asks: “Is this truly the moment for the general restoration of the Church?” — Could have fooled us!
- “Cardinal” Wuerl: Only ‘very few’ are unhappy with Francis — That’s because only very few are Catholics, hello!
- If you thought the Novus Ordo Sect was bad now, you won’t like the future: Ridding the Church of Conservatives
- Stop the presses! We have found the god of surprises! “The [“Pokémon Go”] trend has also reached the Vatican, where rumor has it, Arceus, the Pokémon god, is located” — See also: The Dangers of thePokemon Go Craze
- Francis congratulates his Fellow-Masons: “Pope” celebrates Jubilee with Rotary Club
- Coming soon, to a “Catholic” school near you? Gay activist who works in ‘Catholic’ school board battles Church’s ‘entrenched homophobia’
- Interview with historian “Cardinal” Brandmuller: “The Resignation of the Pope Is Possible, But May It Never Happen Again”
- If you don’t go to Francis, he may just come to you: “Pope” to address youth in poor area of Texas via Video for World Youth Day
- Endless text, as usual: “Pope” Francis’ Message for World Youth Day in Krakow
- Who says the Vatican never talks about conversion?! — Vatican Newspaper offers Reflection on Conversions to Islam
- The National [Non-]Catholic Reporter has figured it out: The Next Schism is already here
- No comment: John Paul II’s Would-Be Assassin wants to be a Novus Ordo priest
- “Study suggests Catholic marriage will be dead in Italy by 2031” — Not to worry, Francis has declared “faithful” fornication to be marriage, so all is saved!
- This is where they’re at now with “Catholicism” in the United States: “I have no problem telling people I’m gay. But it can sometimes be weird telling people I’m a Catholic.”
- And it’s not going to get better for as long as people keep thinking this abominable sect is the Catholic Church: Gay “marriage” apologist priest to speak at San Francisco parish
- Turmoil over which direction to offer the blasphemous, heretical, and sacrilegious Novus Ordo worship service: “Cardinal” Sarah wants East, Francis says No — That problem is easy to solve: Someone needs to tell Francis that Mecca is in the East, that should do it…
- Ecumenism as a Response to Brexit? — No matter what the problem, Ecumenism is the answer!
- Hey, it’s a fair question: “What The Heck Is Going On At Church Militant TV???”
- It’s the same reason everyone else does, too: Why Latinos are leaving the “Catholic” Church
- Yes, Francis does believe in converting people… the rich, that is!
- John Allen tries to frame the bottom line on Opposition to Francis
- Selective Situation Ethics: What if the Unholy Father applied Chapter 8 of Amoris Laetitia to situations involving exploitative employers? — Ouch…
- Is the countdown on? Bp. Fellay’s upcoming Rosary Crusade and the Lessons of the Past — So, when will you make the SSPeXit?
- That figures: In wake of Nice attack, Francis says he “ask[s] God to convert the hearts of the violent blinded by hate”, but he doesn’t say to what he wants them to be converted. Surely, that’s just an insignificant little detail!
- Vatican to host interfaith Sports Conference in October — More Naturalism offered as the solution, never a word about the reign of Christ the King as the way to true and lasting peace and the salvation of souls… As we keep saying, Francis uses religion merely as a bandaid, a psychological support to further a “better humanity”, with the ultimate focus always being on this world with man at the center — God only gets to solve our problems and forgive our sins…
- The Great Commission 2.0: Hindus and “Catholics” meet in Washington, D.C. to become “better Hindus and Catholics”
- Lombardi out, Burke in: An American Layman will be the new Vatican Press Spokesman
- Traditional Catholic radio broadcast (available FREE): Catholic Parenting (Part 1)
- Explained in just a few minutes, and easy to understand: Sedevacantism 101
- Fantastic resource on sedevacantist pioneer: The Writings of Fr. Francis E. Fenton
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