Brave New Church…
Novus Ordo Priest praises Sodomite Couple’s “Pure Love”, baptizes “their” Triplets
The triplets with their “two daddies” and the two surrogacy enablers
Get your barf bags ready, folks; this is ugly. On February 2, 2016, the Italian Corriere della Sera reported the following nauseating story:
Triplet Sisters with Two Dads Baptized
Three baby girls have been born by surrogacy. The priest has blessed them in Rome: “Yours is a pure love, I do not fear it.”
by Viola Centi
Limite sull’Arno (Empoli) – Triplet sisters with two fathers. It seems like the script for a TV show, but it is the true story of Simon and Roberto, Viola, Melissa, and Sofia. A family that many would consider “different”, because it is lacking a mom but instead it has two dads.
The Story
Simon Michelucci, born in Limite sull’Arno, but living in Rome, in 2012 decided with his boyfriend Roberto to try to have a child. They did it by means of surrogacy, with donated eggs from Canada. The entire story was told on the TV show “Di fatto, famiglie” [De Facto Families], on Real Time, last Sunday evening. The two dads are filmed with cameras on a very special day: the day of the baptism of their three baby girls. They are surrounded by relatives, friends, and by the two “mothers”. This is because Simon and Roberto want Veronica (who donated the eggs) and Kelly (who carried the triplet sisters in her womb) to be with them. “They belong to the family”, the two fathers say. “The family is the place where one feels safe”, Roberto explains, “and where there is love”, Simon adds. Aided by sisters, aunts, grandmothers to prepare the children for the big day, the family arrives at St. Sebastian church. Fr. Federico welcomes the babies at the entrance. Viola, Melissa, and Sofia are signed with the sign of the Cross on their foreheads, and they enter the church.
The Priest: “A Pure Love”
“Homosexuality is a topic that catches us completely off-guard, unsure, hesitant,” says the pastor, reading then a passage from the Catechism. “Tradition has always said that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered, against the natural law, and they can never be approved. This disordered inclination constitutes for most homosexuals a trial. As a priest, I read these things, I look at you, and I think I cannot share these concerns.” Fr. Federico’s homily shocks both Simon and Roberto: “The priest said more than we thought.” “The present that we want to build goes beyond this moment,” Fr. Federico continues. “It is not a faith or a love that no longer has any rules, it is a pure love, a sincere one, a love that is not afraid, and I do not want to be afraid. I want a Church that is not afraid.” Then there is a party, refreshments, and a video prepared by the two fathers, that tells the story of the trip to Canada, the meeting with Kelly and Veronica, the relationship with them, and the birth of the children.
(“Empoli, battezzate le gemelle con due papà”, Corriere della Sera, Feb. 2, 2016; trans. by Novus Ordo Watch)
Words fail.
Pray for these poor children — an unspeakable crime is being perpetrated against their sweet and innocent souls. Pray also for all those involved in making this abomination a reality, especially that fake “Catholic priest” who gave it his wholehearted approval. Our Lord had issued a somber warning: “It were better for him, that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should scandalize one of these little ones” (Lk 17:2).
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