Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
February 2, 2016
The “Church of Joy” strikes again!
- Totally insignificant Novus Ordo Auxiliary Bishop propped up by “Conservatives” and Semi-Trads talks against Francis, likes Bp. Fellay: Interview with “Bishop” Athanasius Schneider
- Straight from Hell: U.S. Novus Ordo Seminarian arrested for intending to Have Sex with Baby in Mexico
- That’s it: Chicago’s Archlayman Blase Cupich is Pro-Life!
- Francis has figured it out: “Life together is like [an] endless Party that Jesus has taught us to celebrate by his Spirit” — If only St. Lidwina had known!
- SSPX Superior visibly glowing as he talks about Francis: Press Conference with Bp. Bernard Fellay
- He knows what’s really ailing his church: “Don’t Drop a Gossip Bomb”, Francis warns his Clerics
- Predictable Results: Francis’ fake Mercy Gospel yields Impiety, Hardness of Heart
- The “Vicar of Christ” strikes again: “The Church does not lay claim to a privileged voice in this field [of Bioethics]” — Only when it comes to global warming and welcoming migrants, eh?
- It’s back! An All-New “Francis Watch”: Videos, Bologna, and Lutherans
- Twisting the Word of God: “Pope” Francis blatantly misinterpets Holy Scripture in Weekday Homily
- Dial M for Murder: Notorious Family-Killer gets a Phone Call from Francis
- Magister: “When It Comes To Gay Unions, Bergoglio Doesn’t Say No” — on Italy’s Family Day, Francis was noticeably absent.
- Look who got to speak at the “Eucharistic Congress” in the Philippines: Dominican Timothy “Sodomy is Eucharistic” Radcliffe!
- On “Conservative” Novus Ordo Darling Fr. Romano Guardini: The (Evil) Spirit of the (New) Liturgy
- Yet another Interview: Francis talks China to Asian Times, not a word on Forced Abortion, only a mild sigh about “not having Children”
- Reality Check for Mr. Bergoglio: Real Idolatry is Worshipping the God of Surprises
- “Unity is made by Walking” — Brilliant Francis says Heretics have a Mission from God, are called to proclaim the Gospel as Heretics, and are united to Catholics already anyway
- It’s Time to Commemorate Martin Luther — the Right Way!
- Don’t worry, there’s more to come: Embrace the “positive contributions and insights that the Lutheran Reformation brought to the surface in the body of Christ” and celebrate “our common Faith” with heretics!
- Pop Quiz! What’s Wrong with this Picture?
- Kosher Frank: A Critical Review of Francis’ Visit to Rome’s Synagogue
- Two Monologues do not make a Dialogue: The Chief Rabbi’s “No” to Francis
- Francis meets UN Road Safety Delegation — Up next, an encyclical on Jaywalking?
- “Dear Pope Francis”: Vatican publishes Book with Correspondence between Children and Francis
- “Cardinal” Ravasi strikes again: Androgynous David Bowie Glorified by Vatican
- No, only two Anti-Popes: Damian Thompson asks, “Are There Really Two Popes?”
- But he didn’t have time for Asia Bibi’s Family: Francis receives Google CEO Eric Schmidt and of course also that “Beacon of Virtue” Leonardo DiCaprio to chat about Climate Change
- Yet another reason to cancel your subscription: The Francis Effect hits Netflix — Spend the money on True Restoration instead!
- Modernist Disdain for the Mother of God — They hate the Son; why would they love His Mother?
- How much longer will the Francis Show go on? “Papal” Audiences see stark Decline in Attendees
- Francis’ All-Important Post-Synodal Exhortation on Communion for Adulterers, etc., to be released by March — And watch all the semi-trads cower in fear as they wait for a decision from their “Vicar of Christ” who supposedly keeps their sect from going to hell… Main drafter of document believed to be Victor “Heal Me With Your Mouth” Fernandez!
- What we’ve seen so far with Francis was only the Preview: Priestly Celibacy, Homo Clergy next Battlefields in this “Pontificate”
- “If I shall touch only his garment…”: Hey, Girls, he’s not the Messiah! Quite the contrary, actually…
- Oh sure, he was only jesting: Francis tells Apostate Eugenio Scalfari NOT to convert — Doesn’t this sound familiar? Somehow Tony Palmer never got the joke
- Francis publishes Book promoting his false gospel: “The Name of God is Mercy” (more on that HERE)
- Brief but enlightening little Reflection: Jorge and the Beach Ball
- Francis warns: “When a young man is too rigid, too fundamentalist, I do not trust them… Behind him there is something that maybe not even he knows”! — Yeah, like his church is full of those!
- Perfect, since they practically wrote it: Jews explain Vatican II Document Nostra Aetate
- No Rupture with the Past, folks! “Jewish-Catholic bonds were unimaginable 100 years ago”
- Disturbing: “Catholic Priest” violently shakes heads of Children during Liturgy
- Novus Ordo Priest says Diocese of Palm Beach punished him for reporting Sex Abuse to Police
- Shocking News from Germany: At least 231 Children abused at Boys’ Choir run by “Pope” Benedict XVI’s Brother, Georg Ratzinger
- Barely anyone seems to have noticed, but The Wanderer has interviewed “Cardinal” Burke
- A Pius XII, he ain’t: “Pope” Francis to make appearance in Family Adventure Film
- A very good fit: Fake Nun plays Fake Nun – Suor Cristina returns with Sister Act
- Look who’s in Full Communion with Rome: Australian “Archbishop” Denis Hart lets Students bring Same-Sex “Partner” to High School Formals
- Speaking of Full Communion: Baby-hacking “Catholics for Choice” want Senate to continue funding Planned Parenthood
- Two Words: Touch Screen
- Don’t miss this: New Apologetics Radio Show with Bp. Sanborn — First Episode Free!
- Sponsored by Novus Ordo Watch: ALL Episodes of Restoration Radio’s Season 2 are now available FREE of charge — You’re welcome!
- Sedevacantist Blog in French: Sédévacantiste, pour rester Catholique
- New Sedevacantist Blog in Dutch: Vidi Te Sub Ficu
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