It’s been 730 days…
A New Interview

Marking a milestone of two years “in office”, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, the Vatican’s Apostate-in-Chief who goes by the pseudonym “Pope Francis”, has granted yet another interview to the press, this time to Valentina Alazraki of the Mexico-based Noticieros Televisa. Vatican Radio has just released a full translation, so we are posting links to both the original and the translation:
- “Papa Francisco: Con México, todo en paz” (incl. video)
- “Pope Francis on his Pontificate to Date” (English translation)
- Why Novus Ordos in Mexico are becoming Protestants: “Clericalism”, “distance”, and “disastrous homilies” that are “lessons in theology”! (That’s it!)
- “I usually pray three Rosaries daily”
- Standing on the balcony of St. Peter’s the night of the election: “I did not dare to ask the people to bless me. I simply said: pray that God may bless me through you.”
- Whether he likes being “Pope”: “I do not mind!”
- What he wishes he could do: “The only thing I would like is to go out one day, without being recognized, and go to a pizzeria for a pizza.”
- “I have the feeling that my Pontificate will be brief: 4 or 5 years; I do not know, even 2 or 3.”
- On the Novus Ordo papacy: “…I do not really like the idea of an age limit. Because I believe that the Papacy is a kind of last instance. It is a special grace. For some theologians the Papacy is a sacrament. The Germans are very creative in all these things. I do not think so, but I want to say that it is something special. To say that one is in charge up to 80 years, creates a sensation that the pontificate is at its end and that would not be a good thing. …I share the idea of what Benedict did.”
- “Recalling all the questions that raised moral and ethical issues in the Vatican (Vatileaks etc…) he argues that there is a need for a conversion on a personal level and that it must begin with the Pope himself to remedy the situation.”
- “Reflecting on the crisis of the family, the Pope said he believes that the Lord wants us to address some specific problems: marriage preparation, support for cohabiting couples, accompanying newlyweds, support for those who have failed marriages and new unions.”
Thus far the highlights from the English translation. The Spanish original has Francis’ words verbatim where the translation has merely summarized them.
While other blogs are currently busy trying to argue that Francis isn’t Pope on account of the lobbying efforts of “Team Bergoglio” before the conclave, we would like to point out that according to Bergoglio friend and biographer Alicia Barrios, apparently Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) was part of Team Bergoglio himself: “Benedict was the only one who knew that Bergoglio was going to be the future Pope” (Claudia Peiro, “Que no extrañe que alguno de los curas villeros pronto sea obispo”, Sep. 6, 2013; “Benedicto era el único que sabía que Bergoglio era el futuro Papa”). Oops!
Well then: Unhappy Anniversary!
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