Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
February 9, 2015
“Dominicans” Gone Wild…
- A Schism in Installments? Certainly more Fuel to the Fire: After Burke’s “I will Resist” Bombshell, now “Archbishop” Lenga openly doubts Benedict XVI abdicated freely, publishes Open Letter, mentions Freemasonic Infiltration — As we’ve been saying, something big is coming down the pike – Francis’ Revolution is going to cause a schism. But someone please tell Mr. Lenga that John Paul II, Paul VI and the rest of the gang were part of the problem…
- Exasperated and Desperate: Tens of Thousands of Novus Ordos sign “Filial Petition” to ask Francis to defend Holy Matrimony
- That’s it: Francis is doing what he’s doing because he’s trying to prepare us against the Antichrist! — Please firmly resist the oncoming urge to hit your head against the wall repeatedly…
- Shower Power: The Vatican’s Showers for the Homeless in St. Peter’s Square are now open!
- How to get the Dutch to church: Make it a Soccer World Cup “Mass”!
- The Blind Leading the Blind: Michael Matt is puzzled: “A Tale of Two Popes — Which One Shall We Believe?”— Hint: One of them isn’t Pope…
- Parallels to John XXIII and Paul VI: Rome in Pre-Conclave Mood: Will Luis Tagle be Francis’ Successor?
- The Gospel according to Walt: “Cardinal” Kasper Denies Veracity of Scripture, Divinity of Christ — Minor details, minor details… at least he’s not a self-absorbed Promethean Neo-Pelagian! (More on Kasper’s Apostasy here)
- He loves to be loved: Francis in the Peripheries, makes Surprise Visit to Migrant Camp
- The “Church that flowed from the Second Vatican Council” is definitely NOT the Church that flowed from the Side of Christ
- Incisive Commentary: At the National Prayer Breakfast, Barack Obama was simply “Bucking for Jorge’s Job”
- Francis has the Solution: More Women Theologians, More Women in Pastoral Responsibilities!
- “New Springtime” Update: As the Novus Ordo Church dies in Europe, guess who’s filling the void
- A Preview of the new Encyclical? Francis tells Farmers to make an Alliance with “Mother Earth”
- The Return of Paganism: With Christianity gone, Iceland to build first Temple to Norse Gods in 1000 Years
- Good-Willed Novus Ordos continue to plead with Francis to at least pretend to be a Catholic: Open Letter “A Cry from the Heart”
- It’s been half a century: Francis to Celebrate 50th Anniversary of Paul VI’s historic Introduction and Use of the Vernacular Mass
- And now… Super Bowl “Mass”!
- Get ready to eye-roll: Yet Another Article telling us what Francis may “really” be up to! — All this silly mental gymnastics when the solution is so simple: As soon as you abandon the idea that Bergoglio is actually the Pope or even a Catholic, but instead a Modernist who’s trying to undermine the Catholic Faith, everything starts to make sense…
- Tom Droleskey on Richard McBrien’s exit: Death of an Apostate and a Blasphemer
- Two Anglican Friends confirm: Francis doesn’t want Anglicans to become “Catholic” — That’s probably because there really is no substantial difference between the Anglican and the Novus Ordo religion… the latter is just about 50-100 years behind the former…
- It’s not the only show he’s pulling off: Jester Bergoglio performs in Circus Show
- Francis’ Apostolic Commissioner Fidenzio Volpi closes Seminary of Franciscans of the Immaculate for exhibiting Catholic Tendencies — By contrast, we suspect that this Dancing Franciscan won’t get in trouble any time soon…
- This isn’t a Masonic handshake, no way, absolutely not, couldn’t be: Suor Cristina shakes hands with Francis
- In San Francisco, a Novus Ordo presbyter has caused outrage by banning females from being altar servers — Reality Check: “Women should not dare to serve at the altar; they should be altogether refused this ministry” (Pope Innocent IV, quoted by Pope Benedict XIV, Encyclical Allatae Sunt, n. 29)
- Don’t you hate it when that happens? You’re playing Pope, try to hide your apostasy by a shrewd speech in which you condemn both liberals and conservatives, and then some idiot reveals you actually approved an ultra-leftist interim report that lauded homosexuals and talked about the “positive aspects” of adultery…
- Don’t miss this terrific new internet radio show: “The Popes Against Modern Errors” with Bp. Sanborn
- Can Dogma Evolve? “Cardinal” Baldisseri vs. Pope St. Pius X
- The Tranny Talks: Sex-Changed Woman says Francis offered to cover her Expenses to see him
- In latest Remnant Forum video, Michael Matt & Chris Ferrara still treat the Novus Ordo charlatans as idiots rather than dangerous enemies of the Faith. Why can they not see that “an enemy hath done this” (Mt 13:28)?
- She “Bred Like a Rabbit”: Brazilian Mother of Six illustrates what damage Francis causes when he opens his Modernist mouth
- It’s all about Community! Francis denounces “Ecclesial Elites” who “privatize the Faith”
- No More Angry Birds: This time around, Francis replaces Peace Doves with Peace Balloons! — Well, hot air is certainly a better symbol for what Francis stands for…
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