New Radio Show — Listen Free
II: The Four Marks of the New Church

Isn’t it time you too headed for the exit?

Restoration Radio’s new show “Escape from the Novus Ordo” returns with Fr. Michael Oswalt, a former Novus Ordo “priest” of the diocese of Rockford, Illinois, who converted to traditional Catholicism (sedevacantism) and was ordained a true priest in 2011. He has penned an open letter to his former diocese of Rockford, Illinois, in which he explains why he left the Novus Ordo religion. The letter is available in English and Spanish:
- “Rejecting the Impostor Church” (Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of Rockford)
- “Rechazando a la Iglesia Impostora” (Carta a la clerecía de la Diócesis de Rockford)
Born in 1972, no one is a better fit than Fr. Oswalt to help you see the errors of the Vatican II Church (aka Novus Ordo Sect) and advise you on how to exit this false establishment and become a real Catholic, that is, someone who is Catholic in the same way everyone was Catholic until the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958 (just before the Second Vatican Council). Fr. Oswalt currently serves as the pastor of St. Benedict Catholic Church in Huntsville, Alabama.
Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to be the sponsor for Escape from the Novus Ordo throughout this year, which means you will be able to listen to all episodes of this program in 2015 free of charge, without having to have a subscription to Restoration Radio.
Listen on Demand at any time, FREE:
Show Description:
When the Novus Ordo Sect, the religion of Vatican II, prays in the Credo: “I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church”, do they intend the same meaning as when a Catholic prays, “I believe in one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church?” Can truth change? Have you recently awoken to the reality that the Vatican II Church cannot be the Catholic Church? How do you now, armed with the knowledge of Roman Catholicism, escape the imposter religion?
This month on Escape from the Novus Ordo, Father Michael Oswalt leads us through a series of contrasts between the Novus Ordo Sect and the Roman Catholic Church. We discuss where to begin your research and examine the four marks of the Novus Ordo Sect compared to the Four Marks of the true Church: the Roman Catholic Church.
As Novus Ordo Watch is sponsoring the entire first season of Escape from the Novus Ordo, we are no longer sponsoring the ongoing Francis Watch broadcasts.
Other select radio broadcasts and related links:
- Escape from the Novus Ordo I: Recognizing the Problem
- Now What? How to be a Real Catholic Today
- Satan will try to Deceive the Elect (Bp. Mark Pivarunas)
- The Pope & the Antichrist: The Great Apostasy Foretold
- Stuck in a Rut: Anti-Sedevacantism in the Age of Bergoglio
- TRADCAST – Novus Ordo Watch Podcasts – absolutely free
- 50 Years of Vatican II: A Review of the Modernist Errors of the Second Vatican Council
- Sermon Series: The Modernism of Vatican II illustrated and refuted
- Is Francis a valid Pope? Why the Question Matters
- Why Sedevacantism? (Video)
- Easy to follow: Proving Sedevacantism (Video)
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