Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
January 5, 2015
Dance with the Brazilian Cowboy Priest!
- Francis announces the Names of 20 New “Cardinals” — Congratulations, Tonga! One-third of your “Catholic” population is now a “cardinal”!
- Ready for a Third-World Conclave? Francis goes to the Peripheries for his new “Cardinals”
- Novus Ordo Canonist responds to “Team Bergoglio” Argument against Validity of Francis’ Election — Remember, the reason he’s not the Pope isn’t because of procedural flaws, it’s because he’s not a Catholic
- Another mainstream Nouvs Ordo Journalist stirs the pot with Doubts about Francis — What’s there to doubt? If Francis is a Catholic, what religion was Pope Pius XII?! (Messori’s article in English here)
- Flashback 1982: “Cardinal” Benelli says: “Who are the biggest opponents of Jesus? They are the religious, those who most abide by God’s word” — Can’t make this stuff up!
- Killing Babies no Biggie in the New Church: Local Planned Parenthood Manager gets “Catholic” Funeral in Houston’s Cathedral
- Good Riddance: Former Sedevacantist Nuns now pride themselves on their Ecumenism, Bible school with Methodists and Lutherans
- It’s the Barque of Judas, that’s why: Tango in St. Peter’s whilst the Barque goes adrift
- You knew this was coming: All of Francis’ Interviews and Press Conferences published together in New Book— Expect this to be a multi-volume work eventually…
- The Philippines are getting ready: “Pope Francis the Musical”!
- In case you missed it: Francis has Super-Modernist Homo-Promoter Priest celebrate “Mass” with him, kisses his Hand
- Get your Surprise Face ready: Where Francis’ Doctrine originates…
- It’s generally a good idea not to listen to advice given by Germans named Marx: “Cardinal” Marx says “Catholics can learn from Luther”
- Don’t believe anything about the Vatican until it’s been officially denied: Mainstream Novus Ordo journalist in Italy claims Francis sent Letter to Brazilian “Cardinal” Hummes to suggest allowing Married Men to become Novus Ordo Priests, Lombardi Denies
- It was time for Francis to say something conservative again: Francis: “Christ and the Church are Inseperable”— Now before Michael Voris and Mr. Zuhlsdorf fall into a swoon over Bergoglio’s supposed Anti-Protestantism here (remember “BAM!”?), remember that when Francis talks about the Church, he doesn’t mean “Catholic Church” as it was understood before Vatican II…
- The Spiritual Equivalent of the Titanic: Jorge’s Ship of Fools
- Nothing’s changed, right? Holy Mass in 1944, as filmed by Hollywood — Does anyone seriously believe this is the same religion as the Novus Ordo circus today?
- This time, disaster strikes before he arrives: Floods, Landslides in Philippines ahead of Francis’ Visit
- Don’t worry, this article is about the bird — but you wouldn’t know just from reading the title: Half-Male, Half-Female Cardinal Leads Lonely Life
- Raw Footage: The Satanic Interreligious Prayer Meeting of “Saint” John Paul II at Assisi 1986
- Just Asinine: With all the gorgeous cards he could have picked, Francis chooses as his official Christmas Card one in which a donkey’s rear stares people in the face — That about sums it up for his “Pontificate” and tells you what he thinks of you…
- Fair Warning: English and Welsh Novus Ordo bishops “reflect” on the October Synod…
- Cuban Americans Denounce Francis over Role in U.S.-Cuba Deal: “I am a Catholic without a Pope” — Indeed you are, but not for this reason…
- In Italy, a long-time Novus Ordo teacher’s license gets revoked for showing Pro-Life Movie to Students — Folks, wake up: When will you finally realize that the Enemies of Christ are running the New Church?! They’re laughing at you! These people are not Catholics and have no authority over Catholics!
- “Bishop” of Antwerp, Belgium, wants Church to Accept Homosexual Relationships — Sounds like he’s trying to ensure he’ll be made a “cardinal”…
- It’s a Parody, but might as well not be: Vatican to Posthumously grant Annulment to King Henry VIII – Queen to Dissolve Church of England
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