Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
December 22, 2014
Idol Chatter: “Mass Fitness” by LifeTeen
- The Doctor is in (as in “Dr. Kevorkian”): Francis diagnoses the Diseases of his Curia — His remedy? Why, NOVELTY of course!
- Pope St. Pius X had a different take on Novelty: “Far, far from the clergy be the love of novelty!” (Encyclical Pascendi, n. 49; do a search on the page for the word “novelty” for more interesting quotes)
- Antonio Socci weighs in on the “Team Bergoglio” Scandal — Background: Austen Ivereigh’s book uncovers new problems calling into question validity of Bergoglio’s Election
- From Brothels to the Vatican: Francis’ Birthday celebrated with Tango Flashmob in St. Peter’s Square — Reality Check: “The tango, which has already been condemned by illustrious Bishops and is prohibited even in Protestant countries, must be absolutely prohibited in the see of the Roman Pontiff, the centre of the Catholic religion” — Pope St. Pius X (source)
- It may take two to Tango, but only one Antipope to bring the dance to the Vatican
- Verrecchio nails it: Francis confirms his removal of “Cardinal” Burke was a Rebuke
- Father Maximilian Kolbe on the Connections between Freemasonry and Talmudic Judaism
- In 2017, Francis expects “Catholics” to commemorate the
100th Anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation - Expect more Surprises: Francis again preps his sheeple for more “Newness” to avoid “Sterility”
- “Pope” Francis phones Roberto Benigni to congratulate him on Ten Commandments comedy presentation
- Secular Media takes notice: Francis “leading serious Christians to Desparation”
- Rocking the New Church: Giant suspended Rock installed in Jesuit Church in Austria
- Francis says Church needs more Female Theologians — Aren’t the American Novus Ordo bishops enough?
- The “Secret War” in the Vatican: Le Figaro interviews “Cardinal” Burke
- Remember this one? Francis preaches against “perfect piety”, the kind that is supposedly “lacking that zeal to go and preach the Lord” — Reality Check: Ah yes, Francis is all about preaching Jesus Christ, right?!
- Preaching Christ, eh? Francis “blesses” Coca Leaves, receives pro-homosexual Idolaters
- Relax, everyone: It’s Party Time at Lourdes!
- Surprise: Rejected Pro-Homo Paragraphs to Remain in Synod Document for 2015 Assembly — Raw Data: The Vatican’s Lineamenta Document
- “Commissar of Antichrist Speaks”: Droleskey takes apart Francis’ darling, “Cardinal” Oscar Andrés Maradiaga Rodríguez
- Surprise! Vatican Final Report mostly laudatory on American Novus Ordo Nuns (you know, the ones on the bus)
- Cafeteria Catholicism: French churches transformed into dining halls for Advent
- Good to know: For next Synod assembly, Rome wants “Reality”, not “Doctrine” — Yes, long gone are the days when, until Pope Pius XII’s death in 1958, doctrine was reality in Rome
- Francis says Christians and Jews should “build a more just and fraternal world” — Reality Check: Pope St. Pius X condemns those who “claim to regenerate the working class by first elevating the conscience of Man; they have a social doctrine, and they have religious and philosophical principles for the reconstruction of society upon new foundations; they have a particular conception of human dignity, freedom, justice and brotherhood; and, in an attempt to justify their social dreams, they put forward the Gospel, but interpreted in their own way; and what is even more serious, they call to witness Christ, but a diminished and distorted Christ… For the construction of the Future City they appealed to the workers of all religions and all sects. These were asked but one thing: to share the same social ideal, to respect all creeds, and to bring with them a certain supply of moral force” (Apostolic Letter Our Apostolic Mandate, 1910). Sound familiar?
- Francis says, quite correctly, that “the Christian is the person, a man or woman, who bears witness to Jesus Christ” — Well, that’s really good to know, isn’t it?
- Aw, shucks: Mark Shea’s idea of Elton John being ready for the Gospel suffers a setback
- Justin Bieber gets private tour of the Vatican – for $25,000
- OK, folks, can we please draw the logical conclusion? Ideas have Consequences: The Novus Ordo Church is a Different Religion
- Broadway in the Vatican: Francis celebrates Creole “Mass” in St. Peter’s Basilica
- Out of this world: John XXIII, first Antipope of the Novus Ordo Sect, talks to Extra-Terrestrial — This would explain a lot…
- He has to answer to no earthly authority any more: Jorge the Juvenile Delinquent
- The Revenge of Poverty: Franciscan Order on verge of Bankruptcy after Financial Fraud uncovered
- Very reassuring: After 42 years, Joseph Ratzinger now understands meaning of “Thou shalt not commit Adultery” — Always remember that since Ratzinger is obviously quite capable of making retractions, what does this mean for all his heresies and errors he hasn’t retracted?
- Bergoglio’s Ogre Unleashed: Commissioner Volpi threatens bishops, says Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate trying to overthrow “Pope” Francis
- That “New Evangelization”: Voodoo Ceremonies in Church in Brazil — Apparently just taking clues from “Saint” John Paul II, eh?
- And with a name like Marx! Francis adviser “Cardinal” Marx draws monthly salary of $14,000 USD while living rent-free, and then some
- We predict his choices will include Bruno Forte and Blase Cupich: Francis to appoint new “Cardinals” in February
- “New Springtime” Update: Buffalo Church reopens as Event Space
- “Lucifer, meet Satan”: Francis endorses Liberation Theology as he meets Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez
- Yes, Jimmy, he did: Did “Pope” Francis really kiss the hand of a 93-year old Homo Supporter Priest?
- As we keep saying, the Novus Ordo apostolates are dying — their church is irrelevant, and Francis isn’t helping: Crisis in Crisis
- Making up new sins to compensate for eliminating old ones: Francis harps on “Climate Change” as a “Serious Ethical and Moral Responsibility”
- Video: Interview with the conservative Modernist “Cardinal” Raymond Burke
- Suspicions confirmed: Austrian Novus Ordo priest says Linz Diocese is a “Pigsty”
- Francis definitely won’t come to their defense: Novus Ordo Schools in Canada pressured to endorse Homo-Perversion
- What Catholicism really is: Pictures (Video) from before the Modernist Takeover in 1958
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