He who has eyes to see, let him see…
The Great Comparison: The Traditional Latin Mass vs. the New “Mass” of Paul VI (1969)
The following video provides a sobering audio-visual comparison between the Holy Catholic Mass of the ages — aka the “Traditional Latin Mass” — and the 1969 Novus Ordo Missae promulgated by the False Pope Paul VI, a rite that even then-“Cardinal” Ratzinger admitted was a “banal on-the-spot product” yet which he claimed later as “Pope” Benedict XVI was “one and the same rite” with its Traditional Latin counterpart.
Not only does Paul VI’s Novus Ordo Missae (“New Order of Mass”) represent a substantial change in Catholic belief and practice, it is also definitely invalid in most vernacular tongues, specifically in English, as was proved as early as 1968 — even one year before it was imposed as an official rite — by the late Patrick Henry Omlor (+2013).
On September 25, 1969, Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, Cardinal Antonio Bacci, and a group of Roman theologians wrote an open letter to “Pope” Paul VI to summarize the doctrinal and liturgical problems presented by the Novus Ordo rite, underscording that it “represents, both as a whole and in its details, a striking departure from the Catholic theology of the Mass as it was formulated in Session 22 of the Council of Trent” (see “The Ottaviani Intervention”).
A helpful video that explains what takes place at the Traditional Latin Mass, and what the beautiful rite means, can be viewed here:
Many beautiful and liturgically significant gestures and details were eliminated from the Traditional Catholic Mass under the impious pretext of them being “useless”, and a lot of prayers were either removed altogether, or dumbed down, or rewritten in such a way that nothing distinctly Catholic remained in them. This accounts for the disastrous state of “Catholicism” in the United States today, and throughout the world at large.
So, for example, words such as “sacrifice,” “guilt,” “reparation,” “fires of hell,” “eternal punishment,” “true faith,” and “enemies” were systematically eradicated, as explained in our blog post “The Revised Prayers of the New Mass.” The main architect of this liturgical revolution, which was necessary to instill in people’s minds and souls the new religion of Vatican II, was Fr. Annibale Bugnini, whom “Pope” Paul VI rewarded for his liturgical destruction by making him an “archbishop” in 1972. Later it was proved that Bugnini was a member of the anti-Catholic sect of Freemasonry, and Paul VI had no choice, for the sake of appearance, to exile him to Iran, where he died in 1982. The facts on Bugnini are competently recounted in the article “The Bugnini File” by John Weiskittel (PDF).
For the most current, most complete historical study of the problems with the Novus Ordo Missae of Paul VI, see Fr. Anthony Cekada’s Work of Human Hands (2010). You can watch, free of charge, video overviews of the chapters of the book, at this link. This is a great way to get a summary of the contents of Work of Human Hands to understand why the “New Mass” is deadly and not Catholic. In addition, Restoration Radio provides numerous recorded radio broadcast episodes in which Fr. Cekada discusses the differences between the True Roman Catholic Mass and the Novus Ordo counterfeit. These episodes can be listened to at any time and are free of charge.
Lastly, please don’t let yourself be deluded by Benedict XVI’s machinations with his Motu Inapproprio Summorum Pontificum. Understand why this document is not a good thing at all and must be unacceptable to any Catholic. We offer a feature article on the subject here:
It’s time to look the facts in the eye and consider what has really happened to the Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council, or, more precisely, since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958 and the bizarre events that unfolded afterwards. If you’re wondering where to go and what to do, take heart. Do not be afraid. Our article “Now What?!” provides hope and consolation.
May God bless you.
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