Mary-Like? Christ-Like? Edifying?
Novus Ordo Nun’s Got Talent:
Suor Cristina performs Pop Song on Italian TV

It’s the Novus Ordo version of ‘March Madness’:
Just when you thought you’d seen it all, the Novus Ordo Religion has the uncanny ability to outdo itself in terms of heresy, blasphemy, sacrilege, scandals, and other outrages. As a general rule, we can say that there is nothing the human mind can conceive that is so base or wicked that it would be beyond the pale of the Modernist Vatican II Sect to endorse, permit, or tolerate.

The latest case comes from Italy, where a 25-year-old Sicilian Novus Ordo nun participated in a secular talent show, singing and dancing like a pop star. … READ MORE