“We all need somebody to leeeaan on”…
A Photo Makes the Rounds:
Bergoglio’s 2006 “Encounter” with Adventist Teenager

“Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio Leans on Shoulder of
16-Year-Old Seventh-Day Adventist at Ecumenical Gathering
It happened on June 29, 2006, at Luna Park Stadium in Buenos Aires, Argentina. “Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio (now “Pope” Francis), the “Archbishop” of Buenos Aires at the time, was attending an ecumenical gathering with Protestants. The above photo was taken by Enrique Cangas, a photographer who is currently presenting 25 images of “Pope” Francis taken between 2003 and 2012, at an exhibit entitled Francis: Servant to Buenos Aires, Servant to the World. The young man on whose shoulder “Cardinal” Bergoglio is resting his head is Juan Francisco Taborda.
Below you will find several links to this story as well as a video, all in Spanish. When English translations are posted, we will link them here, otherwise you can try a computerized translation at Google Translate. Any commentary would be superfluous, but be sure to check out the “Reality Check” links at the end of this post.
- The “Gentle” Francis (Vatican Insider)
- A Photo that summarizes Francis’ “Tenderness” (Radio Maria)
In this video, the “encounter” photo is shown and discussed at the 4:00 min mark
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