The Novus Ordo Homo Plague Exposed…
Gay Hookup Site for Novus Ordo Priests & Seminarians in Rome [!] – Exposed

You couldn’t make this up if you tried… In mid-June 2013, it was discovered that there exists a ‘dating’ and ‘hook-up’ site for homosexual Novus Ordo priests and seminarians specifically in Rome, i.e. the city inside of which the Vatican is located. To make matters worse, it was then reported that this site was being run out of the Vatican itself!
This pervert-cleric hookup site, irreverently titled Venerabilis (“Venerable”), is no mystery and does not seek to hide, other than in anonymity. It is accessible to the general public at
(We are specifically NOT linking this site because we don’t want to send anyone there – go there at your own risk.)
Venerabilis calls itself a “HomoSensible Roman Catholic Priests Fraternity”, as the site’s masthead says. These perverts don’t mind operating out in the open – in fact, thanks to a report by the Novus Ordo Vox Cantoris blog, we have now found out that these sodomites are also on Twitter! See here:

Twitter Handle: @vNEWS
Recently, they sent out a tweet warning that not all the participants in the chat rooms are actual priests – presumably, they are starting to fear that some people could be masquerading as Novus Ordo clerics when in fact they’re private investigators or investigative journalists. Here is the tweet warning of the danger (June 24, 2013):

On their Twitter account home page, there is a photo of two sodomites, shown from the back, wearing practically nothing, at a “gay pride” parade. At the time of this writing, their Twitter account has 80 followers, some of which make quite clear in their Twitter photo or description that sexual purity isn’t their foremost virtue.
Venerabilis‘ official web site consists mostly of chat rooms, the means by which these perverted Novus Ordo priests & seminarians make initial contact to act out their unnatural lusts. Though they use pseudonyms (from “Smoochie Dumpling” to “Woogle Darling” and “Moopsie Head”) in the chat rooms, they can send each other private messages to disclose their true identities. Here are some screenshots (click on the photos to make them larger):
We recall that sodomy is not ‘only’ a mortal sin, it is one of only 4 mortal sins that are classified by the Church as so foul and despicable that they carry with them the distinction of “crying to Heaven for vengeance” (the other 3 being murder, oppression of the poor, and defrauding the laborer of his just wages).
While we’re on the topic of sin and morality, we can heartily recommend Fr. Thomas Slater’s fine 2-volume work A Manual of Moral Theology (1925). Check it out here: Volume 1 and Volume 2.
Relevant Links:
(CAUTION! Barf bags not included!)
- “Venerabilis” – Web Site for Indecent Encounters between Priests in Italy
- Francis and the Gay Lobby in the Curia
- Gay Priests’ Dating Forum Uncovered in the Vatican
- Italian Press finds Gay Hookup Site for Priests – in Rome
- Sodomites in Rome
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