An Eye-Opening Reality Check…
The “Canonization” of John Paul II:
A Catholic Perspective

(55 pages; 676 KB)
Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to present this eye-opening, meticulously-documented research paper, which shows the absurdity and impossibility of the idea that Karol Wojtyla, “Pope John Paul II,” is a Roman Catholic saint. Divided into several parts, this essay first expounds the Catholic understanding of sainthood and the authority and infallibility of canonizations, and then proceeds to examine the case of John Paul II in particular.
Written for a popular audience in an easy-to-follow style, this article presents the Catholic teaching from solid traditional catechisms and other reliable Catholic authorities, rather than from complex or specialized theological treatises. The author leaves no doubt that John Paul II was no Catholic saint — from which it follows, of course, that his “canonization” did not come from a valid Catholic authority.
See Also:
- A Saint He Ain’t: The Ugly Facts about Karol Wojtyla (“St.” John Paul II)
- Man crushed to Death by giant John Paul II Crucifix days before “Canonization”
- “The Canonization of Vatican II”: Restoration Radio Panel Discussion on “Saint” John Paul II
- Francis is NOT the Catholic Pope — A Quick Primer on Sedevacantism
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