Overnight Surprise:
Anti-Francis Posters Appear in Rome
[UPDATE 04-FEB-17 20:14 UTC: More details and lots more photos can be found here]
As various blogs are reporting this morning, a slew of anti-Francis posters has suddenly appeared on public surfaces all over the city of Rome. They were put up during the night by people who are as of yet unknown. The posters look like this:
(click to enlarge / source)
The posters show a grim-looking Francis with the following Italian text: “A France’, hai commissariato Congregazioni, rimosso sacerdoti, decapitato l’Ordine di Malta e i Francescani dell’Immacolata, ignorato Cardinali… ma n’do sta la tua misericordia?” (source).
Translated into English, the message is: “Oi Frankie, you have emasculated Congregations, suspended priests, decapitated the Order of Malta and the Franciscans of the Immaculate, ignored Cardinals…But where is your mercy?” (source).
The text alludes to Francis’ blatant refusal to answer the dubia of “Carinals” Burke, Caffarra, Brandmuller, and Meisner concerning Amoris Laetitia, and to his ferocious and tyrannical behavior towards religious orders perceived by Novus Ordos as conservative or traditional. The most recent such case was Francis’ inglorious intervention in the sovereign order of the Knights of Malta to restore the Grand Chancellor to power, who had been dismissed by the Knights’ Grand Master for distributing condoms under the guise of charitable works. Not only was the Grand Chancellor, Albrecht von Boeselager, reinstated at Francis’ behest, the “Pope” also pressured the Grand Master, Matthew Festing, to resign. That’s two birds with one stone for Francis against the order of which “Cardinal” Raymond Burke happens to be the cardinal-patron.
This latest scandalous example underscores that for Francis, “mercy” is a code word meant only to advance the cause of heresy, heteropraxis, immorality, and impiety in the Vatican II Church.
People are finally waking up and noticing — at least in Rome this morning.
Now if someone could just plaster posters all over Rome stating that Francis isn’t a valid Pope…
I wouldnt put it past Bergolio to have put up the posters himself in order to blame Burke and justify further reprisals.
When I was still an indulter, I had to resist an impulse to invert Bergoglio’s portrait in the vestibule whenever I passed by. Maybe there’s hope for some Romans!
Trads, gear yourself up for more insults from Bergogglio in the weeks to come…!
No “surprises” from the non-Catholic, usurper of the See of Peter. He deserves to be thrown out on his ear. Too bad the impulsive St. Peter is not around to do the honors.
This is good. After seeing the great success of the alt-right and the Trump movement in the US, I am thinking that all of us who are fighting the great apostasy might look to the power of memes. We need more of them. We need to make more people aware.
Remember the saint who said, “Bring me my weapon!”? He was referring to his Rosary. Our Lady will no doubt hammer this heretic if we, the little people, petition the Most August Queen with our little prayers for Her Maternal intercession before the Throne of the King of Kings. Pity the fool who persists in the delusion of the Conciliar Church for it is evident beyond a reasonable doubt that it is a perversion and an offense to Almighty God and all the saints and martyrs who defended the True Church against foul enemies throughout the centuries. Our Lady of Fatima requested we pray the Holy Rosary daily. Would that we all do our little part to heed her request.
Hey, I love the idea of plastering posters stating Francis isn’t a valid pope! Perhaps the sedes in Turin could take a little trip to Rome and get that message out.