007 TRADCAST (17 AUG 2015)
- Segment 1: The Nature of Faith: Why is one not a Catholic at all if one denies even just one dogma? — Mark Shea, Lying, and the Undercover Videos exposing Planned Parenthood
- Segment 2: Bp. Richard Williamson and the “New Mass” Fiasco — “Bp.” Athanasius Schneider, Michael Voris, and the SSPX Schism Question
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Links to Items mentioned in the Show & Related Information
- Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Satis Cognitum (1896)
- Pope Benedict XV, Encyclical Ad Beatissimi (1914)
- Center for Medical Progress, Investigative Footage: The Undercover Videos exposing Planned Parenthood
- Real Life Radio Podcasts, “Connecting the Dots” Program with Mark Shea (July 21, 2015)
- Novus Ordo Watch Blog Post, Mark Shea says Elton John’s Admiration for Francis shows he is “revisiting what the Gospel has to say (Nov. 1, 2014)
- Fr. John A. McHugh, O.P. & Fr. Charles J. Callan, O.P., Moral Theology: A Complete Course Based on St. Thomas Aquinas and the Best Modern Authorities, Volume 1 (rev. and enl. ed., 1958)
- Fr. John A. McHugh, O.P. & Fr. Charles J. Callan, O.P., Moral Theology: A Complete Course Based on St. Thomas Aquinas and the Best Modern Authorities, Volume 2 (rev. and enl. ed., 1958)
- Fr. John A. McHugh, O.P. & Fr. Charles J. Callan, O.P., Moral Theology: A Complete Course Based on St. Thomas Aquinas and the Best Modern Authorities, Kindle Edition)
- Fr. George Leo Haydock, Scriptural Commentary on the Book of Judtih, Chapter 10 (based on the approved Douay-Rheims version of the Holy Bible)
- News Item: “Cardinal O’Malley denounces Planned Parenthood for disrespecting human dignity”, Catholic News Agency, July 30, 2015
- News Item: “For Archbishop Cupich, Planned Parenthood videos should urge us to fight all social ills”, Catholic News Agency, Aug. 6, 2015
- Novus Ordo Watch Blog Post, Bishop Williamson: Novus Ordo “Mass” is Bad but OK if it “Nourishes your Faith” (July 19, 2015)
- Novus Ordo Watch Blog Post, Christ or Belial? Bishop Sanborn refutes Bishop Williamson on the “New Mass” (July 29, 2015)
- Novus Ordo Watch Blog Post, Williamson Watch: More Commentary on the “New Mass” Fiasco (Aug. 5, 2015)
- The FULL Video: Bishop Williamson – June 28, 2015 CT/NY Conference
- Novus Ordo Watch Blog Post, Unholy Orders: The New 1968 Ordination Rite of Paul VI (June 18, 2013)
- News Item: “Exclusive Interview with Monsignor Schneider: Vatican II, Communion in the Hand, Crisis, SSPX”, Adelante La Fe (Aug. 10, 2015) – available in Spanish and English
- Society of St. Pius X, “SSPX has Mind of Church: Bishop Schneider” (Aug. 10, 2015)
- Ryan Fitzgerald, “Bishop Slams Liturgical Abuse, Stands Up for Trad. Catholics”, ChurchMilitant (Aug. 11, 2015)
- Michael Voris, “CM Exclusive: Bishop Schneider Clarifies”, ChurchMilitant (Aug. 14, 2015)
- Christopher A. Ferrara, “Voris Obtains ‘Clarification’ from Bishop Schneider which Confirms SSPX not in ‘Schism’”, Fetzen Fliegen (Aug. 15, 2015)
- Society of St. Pius X, “Voris refuted by Clarification from Bp. Schneider” (Aug. 14, 2015)
- Novus Ordo Watch Article, “Now What?” – Being a Real Catholic Today
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