12 Pages of Claptrap…
Francis the Destroyer:
An Anthology of the Bergoglian “Magisterium”
by Miles Christi

If you can stomach it: A writer using the pen name of Miles Christi (“Soldier of Christ”) has compiled 12 pages of quotations from “Pope” Francis since his election on March 13, 2013, demonstrating how the man is not a Roman Catholic and therefore cannot be the head of the Catholic Church, since “he cannot be the head of that [of] which he is not a member” (St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice II, c. 30).
This anthology is being made available in several languages. Click to download in the language of your choice (all files in PDF format):
- “Francis the Destroyer: An Anthology of the Bergoglian Magisterium” (English)
- “Francisco el Destructor: Una Antología del Magisterio Bergogliano” (Spanish)
- “François le Destructeur: Une Anthologie du Magistère Bergoglien” (French)
- “Francesco il Distruttore: Un’Antologia del Magistero Bergogliano” (Italian)
- “Francisco, o Destruidor: Uma Antologia do Magisterio Bergogliano” (Portuguese)
This is great reading material for all who still need to be convinced — or want to convince others — that Jorge Bergoglio is not a Roman Catholic and is most definitely not the Pope of the Catholic Church. Thank you, Miles Christi!
Note: Miles Christi is an independent writer and not to be confused with the Novus Ordo clerical group Miles Christi, which submits to the “pontificate” of Jorge Bergoglio.
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