The motor mouth falls silent again…

Francis’ Video Message to Ireland ahead of Abortion Referendum on May 25, 2018

(click video to play message)

It’s official now: The once-Catholic nation of Ireland has voted to repeal its eighth constitutional amendment and “legalize” abortion. It cannot be imagined how many more preborn children will now be torn from the natural habitat of their mothers’ wombs because of this decision.

What did “Pope” Francis have to say about it? You can find out by clicking the video above. Go ahead and do so — it is only ten seconds long. To let the cat straight out of the bag: The man who inserts himself into every discussion and whose lips never stop moving had nothing to say about the Irish abortion referendum.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
May 25, 2018

Giant ‘Jesus’ puppet arrives in St. Peter’s Square…

We had to wait long enough: Francis has given a new Interview, published May 24 in Eco di Bergamo. Here’s a goodie: “The most important role of religions, Bergoglio said, ‘is that of promoting the culture of encounter, along with the promotion of true education in responsible behavior in caring for creation'”. And you thought it was about the salvation of souls!

Immature antics? Could be a greater problem than immaturity here: Wacky “Bishop” Wack doing… something. (Appointed by Francis, of course.)… READ MORE

They’ve lost it completely…

Novus Ordo Priest wears Headscarf during “Mass” to protest alleged Discrimination against Muslim Women

You couldn’t make this up if you got paid to: In the town of Aalen, Germany, a Novus Ordo priest just celebrated the Modernist worship service on Pentecost Sunday while wearing a headscarf.

The “Catholic priest” in question is Mr. Wolfgang Sedlmeier, who is pastor of several churches in the town of Aalen in the diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart. The scarf he wore during “Mass” is (or was intended to look like) a so-called hijab, which is worn by many Muslim women and not an uncommon sight in Germany.… READ MORE

Chaos Frank kicks it up a notch…

Francis tells Homosexual: “God made you like that”

[UPDATE 22-MAY-2018: America publishes follow-up interview with Juan Carlos Cruz]

Get ready, folks! We have a new “Who am I to judge?” moment, except this time it’s worse: Francis has told a sodomite that God made him a homosexual.

The story broke on May 19, when the Spanish El País newspaper published an interview with Juan Carlos Cruz, one of the victims of the sex abuse perpetrated by Fr. Fernando Karadima in Chile, which was allegedly covered up by “Bp.” Juan Barros.… READ MORE

Walt weighs in on current “Communion” controversy…

“Cardinal” Kasper says Protestant Spouses who are given Novus Ordo Communion don’t need to believe in Transubstantiation

A lot of adherents of the Novus Ordo Sect are not aware that their church already officially permits Protestants to receive “Holy Communion”, under certain conditions, without them renouncing their false religion and converting to Catholicism.

This topic is of the greatest importance, as it proves definitively that the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church, because according to traditional Catholic teaching, the Catholic Church is incapable of universally legislating disciplinary laws that are in themselves evil, harmful, or heretical:

The Church is infallible in her general discipline.


Heresy and blasphemy didn’t start with Francis…

The Day John Paul II blasphemed Jesus Christ and St. John the Baptist

A saint he ain’t: “Pope” John Paul II in a file photo dated Dec. 8, 2004

These days we hear a lot about blasphemy and heresy being committed by Jorge Bergoglio, the man better known by his stage name “Pope Francis”. Because of this, many good-willed but misled souls reminisce about Francis’ immediate predecessors, Benedict XVI (2005-2013) and John Paul II (1978-2005). The truth is, however, that when it comes to heresy and blasphemy, Francis is merely continuing a tradition begun by his Modernist forerunners.… READ MORE

The sacred and the profane…

Rock Concert profanes Historic Catholic Shrine in Germany

The Novus Ordo Sect in Germany has once again managed to desecrate a beautiful traditional Catholic church building. This time, the place to be profaned was the historic Shrine of the Visitation (Wallfahrtskirche Maria Heimsuchung) in Klausen, a small town in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. As a place of pilgrimage, the historic site goes back to the late 1400s. More information, including plenty of photos, can be found at the following links:

On Friday, March 16, 2018, this beautiful church was profaned by a concert of the pelvis-swinging German rock/pop singer Guildo Horn (b.READ MORE

Another week, another heresy…

HERESY: Francis claims the Baptized cannot lose their Status as Children of God

Barely a day goes by on which Francis doesn’t have something to say, but some days are worse than others.

This past Wednesday, May 9, the apostate pretend-Pope during his general audience gave what was supposed to be a catechesis on the sacrament of baptism. Placing heavy emphasis on the sacramental character — which is indelible and hence baptism can never be repeated once it has been validly administered — Francis proceeded to claim that it is this indelible character which makes us, irrevocably, children of God.… READ MORE

Some additional considerations…

The Catholic Church after Pope Pius XII: A Postscript to Fr. Ringrose’s Repudiation of Recognize-and-Resist

As expected, our post of May 3 regarding Fr. Ronald Ringrose’s repudiation of the recognize-and-resist position has engendered lots of debate about resistance theology, Sedevacantism, and the Guerardian material-formal thesis (aka the Cassiciacum Thesis or Sedeprivationism).

We offer the following lines as some additional material for reflection and to help those who have been wedded, as it were, to the recognize-and-resist (R&R) position for a long time to realize how seriously it is contrary to the Roman Catholic Faith, which all who call themselves Catholics have an obligation to defend and uphold.… READ MORE

“And he opened his mouth unto blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name” (Apoc 13:6)…

Francis blasphemes again: “This Holy Spirit is a Disaster”!

When he’s not being his dictatorial self, Francis is a jolly old fellow. He loves to joke around with others and enjoys moments of levity — especially at the expense of the Most Holy Trinity. We need but recall a few recent examples:

Today “His Holiness” decided it was time for a new one and called the Holy Ghost a “disaster”.… READ MORE

Change of position in favor of Sedeprivationism…

Theological Earthquake at Virginia Trad Chapel: Fr. Ronald Ringrose abandons Recognize-and-Resist Position

St. Athanasius Church in Vienna, Virginia, established in 1968

Let’s cut right to the chase: Fr. Ronald Ringrose, the pastor of St. Athanasius Church in Vienna, Virginia, has publicly repudiated his long-time theological position of recognizing the papal claimants since Vatican II as valid but resisting them in their magisterium and their government of the church (commonly known as the “recognize-and-resist” position).

Realizing that the position is plainly contrary to the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church, Fr. Ringrose began to disavow it publicly in three of his parish bulletins in January 2018.… READ MORE

Sedevacantist pioneer passed away 5 years ago today…

Remembering Patrick Henry Omlor
(June 13, 1931 – May 2, 2013)

Five years ago today saw the passing of Mr. Patrick Henry Omlor, one of the earliest pioneers of Traditional Catholicism in the 1960s. A Texan by birth, Mr. Omlor died peacefully in Perth, Australia, on the feast of St. Athanasius, May 2, 2013. Like the great bishop, confessor, and doctor St. Athanasius, Mr. Omlor was not afraid to stand up for the True Faith at a time when the Novus Ordo Sect was just beginning to take shape, eclipsing the true Catholic Church with its Modernist teachings and false new sacramental rites.… READ MORE

Dismantling Bergoglian Baloney…

Gaudete et Exsultate: A Brief Critique

It has been over three weeks now since the release of the latest chaotic exhortation by Jorge Bergoglio, the one titled Gaudete et Exsultate, in which the Jesuit antipope pretends to be calling people to holiness in today’s world.

We had already published two blog posts on this document, one providing general information, reactions, and commentary, and one quoting the most notable passages:

We have since put together our own brief critique, touching on various (but by no means all) troublesome parts of the “papal” document.… READ MORE

Be careful as your head hits the desk…

Francis’ Brilliant Plan for World Peace: Ban All Weapons!

The Modernist Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio (stage name: “Pope Francis”) has once again graced the world with his infinite wisdom. Today, Apr. 29, 2018, he sent out a tweet that says: “Do we really want peace? Then let’s ban all weapons so we don’t have to live in fear of war.”

No, this is not a joke. This is not fake news. This is not satire, nor does it come from a parody account. This is from the real “Pope” Francis. The link to the actual tweet can be found here, and we have taken a screenshot as evidence just in case the tweet gets deleted:

With idiotic content this like being the real news coming from Vatican City, there is nothing left to do for the satirists and parodists at Eye of the Tiber.… READ MORE

“If Christ be not risen again, your faith is vain” (1 Cor 15:17)

Did Christ truly Rise from the Dead? How “Pope” Francis cleverly denies the Historicity of the Resurrection

The reason why Modernists have been so successful in their destruction of the Faith in souls is that their errors are typically camouflaged. The outrageous ideas they proclaim they often contradict or relativize in other places; or they use sufficient ambiguity in their words so that although most people will take heresy from their less-than-clear words (especially if the words are accompanied by heretical actions), Francis apologists will detect enough “plausible deniability” in them should the need arise to defend their master from the accusation of poisoning souls.… READ MORE