Pachamama is NOT amused!

Gaia’s Revenge? Francis blames Coronavirus on Man’s Damage to the Environment

During the Coronavirus pandemic, most people are working from home. That includes Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentinian apostate, whom — despite his best efforts to the contrary — most people in the world still believe to be the Pope of the Catholic Church.

With a lot of extra time on his hands now, Francis is happy to give interviews, for apparently there is nothing the Modernist Jesuit loves more than being asked for his opinion, especially on matters that have nothing to do with Catholicism, the religion he supposedly holds and represents.… READ MORE

Making the Amazon great again…

FULL COVERAGE: Release of Post-Synodal Exhortation on the Amazon Region, Querida Amazonia

May 27, 2019: Francis receives Raoni Metuktire, chief of the Kayapo, in the Vatican.
Francis is eager to learn from this environmentalist defender of the Amazon.

Vatican Press Conference

Presentation of “Apostolic Exhortation” Querida Amazonia (with English sound):
Click Player to begin stream

Post-Synodal Exhortation Querida Amazonia: Full Text, Official Documents

The ‘Hermeneutic of Continuity’ Party Is Over…

Liberation Theologian: “Francis is More Liberal than what is Supposed”, He “Permitted a Homosexual Couple to Adopt a Child”

In a recently-published interview, Karl-Marx-look-alike Leonardo Boff pointed out how truly radically liberal Jorge Mario Bergoglio really is — and he’s someone who’d know:

You are in for a real surprise about what Francis will do.

For example, a few months ago [in 2012] he explicitly permitted a homosexual couple to adopt a child. He kept in touch with priests who were expelled from the official church because they had gotten married.

