Now being published in English!

Endorsed by Pope Pius X:
The Anti-Christian Conspiracy (1910)
by Mgr. Henri Delassus

Monsignor Henri Delassus (1836-1921) was an esteemed French Catholic priest, author, and editor. Pope St. Pius X conferred on him the title of ‘Monsignor’, making him a Domestic Prelate in 1904 and a Protonotary Apostolic in 1911. More information here:

In 1910, Msgr. Delassus published a monumental 3-volume work entitled La Conjuration Antichrétienne, which translates as The Anti-Christian Conspiracy.… READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up!

American Novus Ordo Bishops Add Note to Good Friday Passion Reading to Prevent ‘Antisemitism’

The so-called United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has moved to ensure that beginning this year, no one exposed to the Novus Ordo liturgical celebration of Good Friday, which includes a full reading of Our Lord’s Passion according to Saint John, will come away with an ‘antisemitic’ impression or attitude.

To that end, a brief note is being printed in missalettes before the Gospel text in ‘Catholic’ parishes throughout the country. The USCCB committee for ecumenical and interreligious affairs states on its page against Antisemitism:

You may recognize a new addition to your 2024 Missal.