After comments critical of Francis…

Novus Ordo Canon Lawyer: Benedict XVI is being brought into position as Antipope to Francis

It’s a clever ruse because… they’re both Antipopes!

[UPDATE 18-JUL-2017 15:53 UTC: Ganswein denies Benedict meant to criticize Francis]

The fallout from “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI’s remarks at the funeral of “Cardinal” Joachim Meisner continues. If the initial reports were enough to makes waves, what is being reported now has the potential to turn into a tsunami.

A German Novus Ordo canon lawyer has gone on record accusing Benedict XVI’s private secretary, “Abp.” Georg Gänswein, of bringing the so-called “Pope Emeritus” into position as Antipope vis-à-vis Francis. … READ MORE

Ratzinger Message read at Meisner Funeral

Benedict XVI: Church is “On Verge of Capsizing”

“Abp.” Ganswein reads Benedict XVI’s Message at Cologne Cathedral
Image credit: (video screenshot)

[UPDATE 18-JUL-17: Ganswein denies Benedict meant to criticize Francis]

Today, July 15, the Novus Ordo Sect in Germany conducted the solemn funeral rites for “Cardinal” Joachim Meisner, who had died July 5 at the age of 83. Numerous high-ranking prelates of the Modernist Sect were gathered at the magnificent Cathedral of St. Peter in Cologne. Among them were “Cardinals” Reinhard Marx, Karl Lehmann, Gerhard Ludwig Muller, Peter Erdo, and of course Rainer Maria Woelki, the current “Archbishop” of Cologne and main celebrant of the Requiem.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch in the Vatican

Vatican Prelate Gänswein is asked about a Novus Ordo Watch Post

You’ve probably heard of him before. He is Francis’ so-called “Prefect of the Papal Household”. He is Benedict XVI’s private secretary. He is constantly around either Francis or Benedict. In other words, he’s a really important chap in Vatican City. He hails from Freiburg, Germany. His name is “Archbishop” Georg Gänswein.

Like many other celebrities, Ganswein has a fan page on Facebook. This page is not maintained by him and not endorsed by him; it is simply a page about him and maintained by two of his devotees who refer to themselves by the names of “Pinky” and “Michele”.… READ MORE

His turn to speak heresy…

HERESY: Vatican “Archbishop” Gänswein says “No Proof” for God’s Existence

Christmas week should be fairly quiet in the Vatican, as most employees are on vacation and so Francis is more or less forced to keep silent. However, if the past is any indication, this could be the time when various newspapers and periodicals will publish previously-conducted interviews with the “Pope” or other clerics in and outside the Vatican.

Such as… “Archbishop” Georg Ganswein, for example, who currently holds two important Vatican positions: He is Francis’ prefect of the anti-papal household, and he is at the same time the private secretary of Antipope Emeritus Benedict XVI.… READ MORE

Benedict XVI’s secretary speaks

Vatican “Abp.” Gänswein: Since Benedict XVI’s Abdication, there is now a Two-Member “Expanded Papacy”

Apparently, one Modernist Antipope was not enough…

[UPDATE 30-MAY-2016: English translation of complete Ganswein speech now available here]

The craziness in the Novus Ordo Sect just doesn’t stop.

On May 20, 2016, the Gregorian Pontifical University in Rome introduced “Fr.” Roberto Regoli’s new book, Oltre la crisi della Chiesa (“Beyond the Crisis of the Church”), a history of the “pontificate” of Benedict XVI (2005-2013). The book presentation was augmented by a talk given by the Vatican’s “Archbishop” Georg Gänswein, who is both the prefect of the “papal” household under Francis (and was formerly under Benedict XVI) as well as the private secretary of the “Pope Emeritus”, Benedict XVI.… READ MORE

Resignationism Continued…

Now “Abp.” Ganswein Weighs In:
Benedict’s Emeritus Status 
“Corresponds to Reality”

“Archbishop” Georg Ganswein, Secretary to Benedict XVI

Italian journalist and author Antonio Socci is back with more on the neverending drama surrounding what we have termed the Resignationist thesis, the idea that the resignation of Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) was invalid and he is therefore still the legitimate Pope of the Catholic Church, Francis being an impostor. (For those who don’t know, the position of Novus Ordo Watch is that all “Popes” after Pius XII have been impostors. More on that here.)

In his latest contribution, published March 2, 2014 for the Italian El Libero, Socci reveals the “serious answer” Benedict XVI’s private secretary, “Abp.”… READ MORE