The Latest on the Viganò Letter Drama…

Vatican II Church Meltdown – Days 32-38

Developments & Reactions

This post continues our coverage of the ongoing ecclesiastical Chernobyl unleashed by the accusations of the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Abp.” Carlo Viganò, which were first published on Aug. 25 and have the potential not only to bring an end to the Francis “pontificate” but even to throw the entire Vatican II Sect into unprecedented chaos:

Tuesday, Sep. 25, 2018 Developments


Withdrawn after 24 hours… 

Archdiocese of Santiago de Chile apologizes for Abuse Prevention Guidelines gone wrong

The official seal of the archbishopric of Santiago de Chile

The Novus Ordo Archdiocese of Santiago de Chile has issued an apology after publishing a 9-page manual for its clergy and other employees on proper conduct with minors and vulnerable people. The problem? Its contents caused outrage online because among its 65 do’s-and-don’ts were items such as the following:

  • don’t slap buttocks
  • don’t give massages
  • don’t touch genital areas or the chest
  • don’t sleep together with children or adolescents
  • don’t kiss children, adolescents, or vulnerable people on the mouth
  • don’t fight or play games that involve inappropriate touching
  • don’t take pictures while children, adolescents, or vulnerable people are naked, getting dressed, or showering

The document, which can be accessed in full here, is entitled Orientaciones que fomentan el Buen Trato y la Sana Convivencia Pastoral (“Guidelines for the Promotion of Good Interaction and Healthy Pastoral Coexistence”) and was signed by the “Archbishop” of Santiago de Chile, “Cardinal” Ricardo Ezzati Andrello.… READ MORE