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Restoration Radio Presents:

The First 100 Days of “Pope” Francis
In another well-done internet radio broadcast, Restoration Radio reviews the First 100 Days of Mr. Jorge Mario Bergoglio as “Pope Francis” of the Modernist Vatican II Church. Special guests Bp. Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada analyze Bergoglio’s words and actions from a true Catholic perspective and contribute insightful commentary. Don’t miss this exciting show, which you can listen to anytime through streaming audio or by downloading the show for offline listening later: CLICK HERE to listen or download.
After discussing “Pope” Francis’ first 100 days, this radio program also addresses two other current issues: the right to privacy in the face of a rogue government spying on its citizens, and end-of-life issues relating to so-called “euthanasia” and dying a good death.