What You Need To Know About the Man who Claimed to be the Pope from 1958-1963

“John XXIII”
Miscellaneous Information
- Was John XXIII a real Pope? The Case against Angelo Roncalli
- Revolution in Tiara and Cope: Freemasons cheer the “Pontificate” of John XXIII
- Roncalli’s Friendship with Excommunicated Modernist Fr. Ernesto Buonaiuti
- The Pact of Metz: John XXIII’s Deal with the Russian Communists
- “Pope John XXIII – A Critical Judgment” (SiSiNoNo reprint, SSPX)
- Under Pope Pius XII, Vatican’s Holy Office had Roncalli tagged as “Suspect of Modernism”
- Contribution to a “Canonization”: Inconvenient Facts about John XXIII
- Oops: John XXIII called “Precursor of Antichrist” at Vatican II
- Angelo Roncalli and Freemasonry
- On the 50th Anniversary of Antipope John XXIII
- “Heroes to the Jews”: Enemies of Christ Cheer “Canonization” of John XXIII & John Paul II
- Two “Saints” for the Jews: John XXIII & John Paul II
- John XXIII – the “Best Pope for the Jews”
- John XXIII, “Pope of the Jews”
- John XXIII Honored by Israeli-Zionist Knesset Parliament
- John XXIII – Patron Saint of Modernism
- The Mysterious Conclave of 1958 — White Smoke two days before John XXIII
- After Pius XII: John XXIII or Someone Else? — WhiteSmoke1958.com
- Former FBI Consultant: Cardinal Siri Elected Pope in 1958
- Audio: The “Habemus Papam” 1958: Ioannis XXIII — the first public manifestation of the Novus Ordo Church
- Video: John XXIII appearing on the balcony over St. Peter’s, Oct. 28, 1958
- The Other Antipope John XXIII: Baldassarre Cossa (1410-1415)
- John XXIII – Pope and Saint or Antipope?
- Jules Isaac tells John XXIII he must change Catholic Doctrine and Liturgy with Regard to the Jews
- Roberto de Mattei ‘Forgot’ the Revolution made by John XXIII
- Was the ‘Good Pope’ a good Pope? (Fr. Michel Simoulin, SSPX)
Special Features
Free Book for Download (PDF):
John XXIII a “Blessed” Too?
by Fr. Luigi Villa
Who was John XXIII?
Free Book Download (PDF):
Nichita Roncalli: Counterlife of a Pope
by Franco Bellegrandi
The Conclave of 1958
Feature Article:
The Impossible Encyclical: Pacem in Terris turns 60
Radio Broadcast:
“The Canonization of Vatican II”
Listen on demand at any time
John XXIII: Initiator of the Changes
by C. Leroux