Behold the “Successors of the Apostles”…

World Youth Day:
Dancing “Bishops”

This is what a church looks like that has absolutely nothing relevant to offer to modern man – and desperately tries to appeal to the young and “fit in”. You’d think that after 50 years of this bunk, they’d finally realize it’s not working.

On Saturday, July 27, 2013, the Novus Ordo bishops gathered at Rio de Janeiro’s Copacabana beach participated in an official World Youth Day rehearsal for the Flash Mob Dance that would later be performed for “Pope” Francis. The video (above) speaks for itself. It shows why no one takes these people seriously.

We had already reported on the lewd instructional video for this indecent dance (see here). With its catchy tune and an instructor who was as attractive as she was immodest, countless souls were no doubt led into mortal sin for this impure foolishness. But then again, sins against holy purity, modesty, and chastity aren’t on the agenda of things to worry about for the New Church — they never have been.

On Sunday, July 28, the dance was finally presented to “Pope” Francis. You can view the video here. Not unsurprising for the Modernist Counter-Church, the dance was performed just before “Holy Mass”, and Francis watched it on a screen inside the sacristy. The dance song has the title “Francis” and was developed by Fly (who has since been exposed as a homosexual posing nude in magazines) and Glaucia in honor of the “Pope”. (But don’t think this was the first-ever flash mob in the Novus Ordo. Think of the 2011 Ash Wednesday flash mob in Sioux Falls, South Dakota as a prototype to Rio, perhaps.)

By contrast, we recall the following admonition given by Pope Benedict XV – the Fifteenth – regarding women wearing indecent clothing and engaging in immoral dances:

“…one cannot sufficiently deplore the blindness of so many women of every age and condition; made foolish by desire to please, they do not see to what a degree the indecency of their clothing shocks every honest man, and offends God. Most of them would formerly have blushed for those toilettes as for a grave fault against Christian modesty; now it does not suffice for them to exhibit them on the public thoroughfares; they do not fear to cross the threshold of the churches, to assist at the Holy sacrifice of the Mass, and even to bear the seducing food of shameful passions to the Eucharistic Table where one receives the heavenly Author of purity. And We speak not of those exotic and barbarous dances recently imported into fashionable circles, one more shocking than the other; one cannot imagine anything more suitable for banishing all the remains of modesty.”

–Pope Benedict XV, Encyclical Sacra Propediem (1921), par. 19

Yes, this was written in 1921. Can you imagine what the Pope would say today? Also, consider the following beautiful lines from a prayer to St. Therese of the Child Jesus:

“…Obtain for us the grace to keep our hearts and minds pure and clean like unto thine, and to detest in all sincerity whatever might tarnish ever so slightly the luster of a virtue so sublime, a virtue that endears us to thy heavenly Bridegroom.”

The all-important virtue of holy purity, which is safeguarded by modesty and without which the eternal flames of hell are practically guaranteed, is mocked and frowned upon in the New Church (John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” is one example). Rather than instill a sense of the importance of purity and modesty in these youngsters that participated at World Youth Day, Francis was more concerned about giving Argentina’s trash pickers a good seat up front for the “show”. And a “show” it has been, ever since the creation of the False Church with the ascendancy of John XXIII in 1958.

Lord, have mercy.

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