Nude, lewd, and crude…
Sick ‘Art’ Exhibit Defiles Catholic Church Buildings in Germany
(We have intentionally blurred certain parts of the sculptures for the sake of modesty)
Huge wooden sculptures of naked men and women in a ‘Catholic’ church? The Vatican II Sect in Germany makes it possible. The following scandal took place during Advent of last year but we have only now become aware of it, thanks to a recent post on GloriaTV.
Cityadvent is the name given to an annual art installation in a ‘Catholic’ church in the city of Münster, Germany. Every year during Advent, a special art display, open to the public, is installed in the Überwasserkirche of the diocese of Münster.
The most recent such installation was the exhibit “Man, where are you?”, which opened on Nov. 27 and ended on Dec. 22, 2024. In addition to the Überwasserkirche, the diocesan cathedral of St. Paul was also a location for parts of the exhibition.
All of the following images have been censored by us using a blurring tool where needed:
Even a cursory look at the sculptures makes clear that they are grotesque and have no place anywhere, especially not inside a church, much less a cathedral. They are immodest, offensive, lewd, provocative, disturbing. The man who made them is the Italian artist Aron Demetz (b. 1972).
The official web site of Cityadvent has a description of the display in English. Among other things, it states that it “is an invitation to believers and non-believers alike to be surprised and questioned in the atmosphere of the church and exhibition space, to forget the small and unimportant things of everyday life for a while and to reflect on what is essential to our humanity.”
No doubt there was some profound reflection going on inside most of the visitors this past Advent, who have surely all felt existentially enriched as a result. A 5-minute video providing a walk-through of the exhibit can be found here, but be warned — it is uncensored. We are merely providing the link for documentation purposes.
The ‘Catholic bishop’ under whose watch all this was allowed to happen is Felix Genn (b. 1950). He was first appointed by ‘Pope-Saint’ John Paul II in 1999 and came to his current position in 2008 thanks to ‘Pope’ Benedict XVI. The pastor in charge of the Überwasserkirche is Rev. André Sühling. Genn recently appointed him canon of his cathedral, which is only a block away.
There is one righteous cleric in the diocese of Munster, however. It is the Rev. Paul Spätling, who has long been a thorn in Genn’s side and has had to suffer various censures over the years, according to GloriaTV. Spätling railed against the quasi-porn exhibit, but of course he is a persona non grata (unwelcome person) in the diocese.
It goes without saying that just like the cathedral, the Überwasserkirche, in which this abomination took place, is a beautiful old Catholic building, Gothic in style. The enemies of the Faith in clerical robes rarely ever hold their exhibits in typical Novus Ordo churches that look like spaceships, medical buildings, or ugly libraries. No, it is almost always a traditional Catholic church that gets picked — probably because they delight in defiling and profaning the sacred, of which there is virtually nothing at St. Sunshine’s.
“Lift up thy hands against their pride unto the end; see what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary” (Psalm 73:3).
Image sources: YouTube (screenshots; blurred) / (cropped; blurred)
Licenses: fair use
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