Freemasons could not be happier!

‘Religions Together for a Better Humanity’: Francis Endorses Interreligious Doctrine of Hindu Guru

(image: Independent Photo Agency Srl / Alamy Stock Photo)

An “All Religions’ Conference” was held in the Vatican Nov. 29-30, 2024, and the false pope Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) endorsed it, of course.

On Nov. 30, ‘His Holiness’ personally addressed the participants in the event co-organized by the Sree Narayana Dharma Sangham Trust. An English translation of his short speech was published by the Vatican:

In his speech, Bergoglio claims:

All religions teach the fundamental truth that as children of one God we must love and honour one another, respect diversities and differences in a spirit of fraternity and inclusion, and take care of each other and the earth, our common home. Failure to follow the noble teachings of religions is one of the causes responsible for the troubled situation in which our world finds itself today. Our contemporaries will rediscover the value of the lofty teachings of religious traditions only if we all strive to live by them and to cultivate fraternal and friendly relationships with everyone, with the sole aim of strengthening unity amid diversity, ensuring harmonious coexistence amid differences, and being peacemakers despite the difficulties and challenges we are bound to face.

This is basically Freemasonry. It has nothing to do with Roman Catholicism. It is also factually incorrect: For example, where does he get the idea that all religions “teach the fundamental truth that as children of one God we must love and honour one another, respect diversities and differences in a spirit of fraternity and inclusion”? The ancient heathen religion of Jainism, for instance, does not even teach the existence of a Creator God, much less that anyone is or can be His child. Respect for diversities and differences is also not the hallmark of Islam, for example, and we could go on.

Unlike ‘Pope’ Francis and his insufferable Naturalism, which tries to unite all men under the principles of a lowest common denominator, Pope Pius XII spelled out the truth about the unity of the human race in his 1939 inaugural encyclical:

In fact, the first page of the Scripture, with magnificent simplicity, tells us how God, as a culmination to His creative work, made man to His Own image and likeness (cf. Genesis i. 26, 27); and the same Scripture tells us that He enriched man with supernatural gifts and privileges, and destined him to an eternal and ineffable happiness. It shows us besides how other men took their origin from the first couple, and then goes on, in unsurpassed vividness of language, to recount their division into different groups and their dispersion to various parts of the world. Even when they abandoned their Creator, God did not cease to regard them as His children, who, according to His merciful plan, should one day be reunited once more in His friendship (cf. Genesis xii. 3).

The Apostle of the Gentiles later on makes himself the herald of this truth which associates men as brothers in one great family, when he proclaims to the Greek world that God “hath made of one, all mankind, to dwell upon the whole face of the earth, determining appointed times, and the limits of their habitation, that they should seek God” (Acts xvii. 26, 27).

A marvelous vision, which makes us see the human race in the unity of one common origin in God “one God and Father of all, Who is above all, and through all, and in us all” (Ephesians iv. 6); in the unity of nature which in every man is equally composed of material body and spiritual, immortal soul; in the unity of the immediate end and mission in the world; in the unity of dwelling place, the earth, of whose resources all men can by natural right avail themselves, to sustain and develop life; in the unity of the supernatural end, God Himself, to Whom all should tend; in the unity of means to secure that end.

It is the same Apostle who portrays for us mankind in the unity of its relations with the Son of God, image of the invisible God, in Whom all things have been created: “In Him were all things created” (Colossians i. 16); in the unity of its ransom, effected for all by Christ, Who, through His Holy and most bitter passion, restored the original friendship with God which had been broken, making Himself the Mediator between God and men: “For there is one God, and one Mediator of God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (I Timothy ii. 5).

And to render such friendship between God and mankind more intimate, this same Divine and universal Mediator of salvation and of peace, in the sacred silence of the Supper Room, before He consummated the Supreme Sacrifice, let fall from His divine Lips the words which reverberate mightily down the centuries, inspiring heroic charity in a world devoid of love and torn by hate: “This is my commandment that you love one another, as I have loved you” (Saint John xv. 12).

These are supernatural truths which form a solid basis and the strongest possible bond of a union, that is reinforced by the love of God and of our Divine Redeemer, from Whom all receive salvation “for the edifying of the Body of Christ: until we all meet into the unity of faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the age of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians iv. 12, 13).

(Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Summi Pontificatus, nn. 36-41; underlining added.)

Notice how Pope Pius XII certainly agrees that there is unity among people on account of their origin, their nature, even (what Bergoglio would call) their “common home” (the earth); but unlike Francis, Pope Pius does not stop there and preach the Indifferentism and Egalitarianism of Freemasonry. Instead, he goes on to emphasize that all people are called to the same supernatural end, the Beatific Vision, and there is only one way to obtain it. That Way is a Person, Jesus Christ (cf. Jn 14:6), to whose Mystical Body, “which is the church” (Col 1:24), we must be attached to be saved: “Faith orders Us to hold that out of the Apostolic Roman Church no person can be saved, that it is the only ark of salvation, and that whoever will not enter therein shall perish in the waters of the deluge” (Pope Pius IX, Allocution Singulari Quadam, Dec. 9, 1854).

Whereas Francis preaches the outrageous heresy that God has established a diversity of religions as different but equally effective paths to arrive at eternal happiness, the true Catholic teaching, and that of the Gospel, is that there is only one true religion, only one established by God: “…the only true religion is the one established by Jesus Christ Himself, and which He committed to His Church to protect and to propagate” (Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Immortale Dei, n. 7).

We need not belabor the point. Francis wants everyone to follow “the noble teachings of religions”, “the lofty teachings of religious traditions”, whereas any true Pope would tell the world to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church.

In any case, Bergoglio’s participation in the “All Religions’ Conference” Nov. 29-30 did not go unnoticed by the Hindu press:

“The Pope inaugurates an interreligious conference organised by the Sivagiri Madhom at the Vatican to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the ‘All Religions’ Conference’ organised by Sree Narayana Guru in 1924”, wrote the Indian newspaper The Hindu on Nov. 30.

The Novus Ordo Zenit news service explained that the Kerala-based Sree Narayana Dharma Sangham is “an association that continues the work of a great Hindu leader who a century ago had the intuition to bring together representatives of different religions in his ashram.”

The theme of the interreligious symposium was: “Religions Together for a Better Humanity” — a slogan that pretty much encapsulates Bergoglio’s entire theology. It is no surprise, therefore, that the event was “organized with the support of the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue”, as Vatican News reported. The convention was advertised accordingly:

(image source: Repair My Church blog)

The congress was held at the conference center of the Patristic Institute Augustinianum in Rome, which is part of the Pontifical Lateran University. Speakers included not just Novus Ordos and Hindus, of course, but also a Buddhist monk named Kyabje Kundeling Tatsak Rinpoche:

(image source:; cropped/fair use)

In the end it was all a big happy hand-holding kumbaya:

(image source: use)

A report on an official Tibetan web site relates:

In his address, Kyabje Kundeling Tatsak Rinpoche introduced the noble commitments of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and underscored the need to promote religious harmony during the World Interfaith Conference. Rinpoche further spoke about harnessing the spiritual power of different religions to address the multiple sufferings currently afflicting the world, working together towards world peace through deep and meaningful interfaith cooperation, providing moral guidance to the new generation of youth and empowering them to make positive contributions and create a more compassionate and harmonious future for all.

Moreover, during his one-on-one meetings with the Pope, Kundeling Rinpoche presented a book authored by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, as a memento.

(“Kyabje Kundeling Rinpoche Represents Tibetan Buddhism at World Interfaith Conference in the Vatican”, Tibetan Central Administration, Dec. 5, 2024)

During the Nov. 30 encounter between Francis and the conference participants, the false pope received various gifts, including at least two books, a golden statue of the guru (see here), and a fancy memento displaying the logo for the event, which had been unveiled only a week prior:

(image: Independent Photo Agency Srl / Alamy Stock Photo)

Here is the full view of the official logo:

(image source: / fair use)

Looking at this emblem closely, what do we see?

Notice the big letters inscribed around the logo: ONE CASTE ONE RELIGION ONE GOD FOR MAN. The Hindu leader Sree Narayana Guru (1856-1928) is shown sitting on a globe, as if owning or being master of the whole world. Behind him, as if emanating from him, is displayed a tree on which symbols of the many different religions are shown as so many fruits issuing forth from the branches that are ultimately connected to one and the same trunk. The white rays in the background appear to come from the center of the tree and the head of the ‘enlightened’ leader, suggesting that all religions bring enlightenment to the world, in accordance with the teaching of the guru.

Such ideas are so favorable to Freemasonry and so antithetical to the genuine, pre-Vatican II Catholicism that it is hard to fathom how anyone who calls himself a Catholic could assent to them. Pope Leo XIII had warned:

Everyone should avoid familiarity or friendship with anyone suspected of belonging to Masonry or to affiliated groups. Know them by their fruits and avoid them. Every familiarity should be avoided, not only with those impious libertines who openly promote the character of the sect, but also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance, respect for all religions, and the craving to reconcile the maxims of the Gospel with those of the revolution. These men seek to reconcile Christ and Belial, the Church of God and the state without God.

(Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Custodi Di Quella Fede, n. 15; underlining added.)

In his magnificent encyclical condemning the pan-religionism and ecumenism nascent in his time, Pope Pius XI denounced the “conventions, meetings and addresses … at which a large number of listeners are present, and at which all without distinction are invited to join in the discussion, both infidels of every kind, and Christians, even those who have unhappily fallen away from Christ or who with obstinacy and pertinacity deny His divine nature and mission.” He left no doubt about how Catholics ought to look upon such ‘interfaith’ gatherings:

Certainly such attempts can nowise be approved by Catholics, founded as they are on that false opinion which considers all religions to be more or less good and praiseworthy, since they all in different ways manifest and signify that sense which is inborn in us all, and by which we are led to God and to the obedient acknowledgment of His rule. Not only are those who hold this opinion in error and deceived, but also in distorting the idea of true religion they reject it, and little by little. turn aside to naturalism and atheism, as it is called; from which it clearly follows that one who supports those who hold these theories and attempt to realize them, is altogether abandoning the divinely revealed religion.

(Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Mortalium Animos, n. 2)

Interestingly enough, Pius XI published that encyclical the very year Sree Narayana Guru died. No post-Vatican II magisterial document ever makes reference to Mortalium Animos, and it is easy to see why.

All this “interreligious harmony” stuff accomplishes is promote Indifferentism and Agnosticism, reducing religious truth to a matter of opinion. And this is key for what Francis and the Vatican II Sect are apparently on an infernal mission to accomplish, namely, the melting of the many different creeds into one single ‘meta-religion’ that sits above all individual religions and claims to reconcile them all in one single creed of humanity. Thus each “religious tradition” (in the preferred euphemistic lingo of Bergoglio and his henchmen) would retain its distinctive characteristics but without any claim to objective truth.

And no, this will definitely not result in a “better humanity”.

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