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Podcast: Vatican versus Viganò

Our latest podcast episode, TRADCAST EXPRESS 194, was published on June 24, 2024, and it covers mostly the Vatican’s announced extrajudicial trial against ‘Archbishop’ Carlo Maria Viganò for the crime of schism, as we had reported back on June 20:

In this episode, we do the unthinkable and apply some Vatican II ecclesiology to the case at hand, which leads us to ask some curious questions.

If indeed Viganò is a schismatic…

  • does that mean he will now get invited to ecumenical gatherings?
  • will ‘Cardinal’ Kurt Koch, the Vatican’s chief ecumenical offer, now look to start a theological dialogue and maintain warm, friendly relations with him?
  • will Francis ask Viganò for theological input?
  • is Francis going to declare that Viganò is a legitimate shepherd of the flock of Christ, as he did with regard to the Russian Orthodox patriarch Kirill?
  • does Francis believe Vigano’s theological position is positively willed by God as an ‘enrichment to humanity’ that contributes to that ‘beautiful mosaic’ that is the diversity of religions?
  • will Francis now concede that Vigano’s theses are simply another way of coming to God?
  • is Francis going to allow Viganò to offer Mass in one of the historic basilicas of Rome, as he has permitted invalid Anglican clergy to do?
  • being newly excluded and marginalized, will Francis declare that we should encounter in the face of ‘Abp.’ Viganò the face of Christ?
  • etc. — the possibility are endless!

Before the podcast concludes, we bring a sobering reality check to ‘Pope’ Francis’ address to a delegation of Lutherans at the Vatican on June 20, in which he claimed, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, that the Last Judgment will be a “hyper-ecumenical” day because then all Christians — by which he means Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants — will be united. Or so he thinks.

You can listen to TRADCAST EXPRESS 194 in the players below:

Those who prefer a direct link to the audio can find it here.

The show notes referenced in the podcast audio are the following:

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