Year-end giving 2023
This Advent, Please Help Support Novus Ordo Watch
Dear Readers, Friends, and Supporters:
A Blessed Advent Season!
As the Year of Our Lord 2023 draws to a close, we’d like to make a quick appeal to all who benefit from Novus Ordo Watch: our web site, our podcasts, or our social media accounts (mainly YouTube, Twitter, Facebook).
By God’s grace, we have not needed to hold any special fundraisers in quite a while, and that is a great blessing because they are time-consuming and that time is better spent working for true Catholicism and against the new religion of the Second Vatican Council. While we currently still have sufficient funds to continue operating, the donations trend of the last 11 months is clearly downward, and we don’t want to wait until we run out of money entirely before we put up a post like this.
And so we would like to ask you to please consider supporting Novus Ordo Watch with a small donation if you are in a financial position to do so. Novus Ordo Watch depends entirely on the voluntary donations of its readers (we also receive commissions from purchases made Amazon affiliate links, but the amount is minimal).
You can either make a one-time gift or sign up for a recurring monthly contribution. It does not have to be much. If everyone who finds this web site helpful donates only a few dollars per month, we’ll have no problem continuing at full throttle.
To make a donation electronically, you can use either of the following two options:
- Aplos/Stripe — To make a secure online donation using a credit card, debit card, or an ACH bank transfer through Aplos, please click the blue DONATE button below (you will have the option of making a one-time donation or making it automatically recur every month):

- PayPal — To make a secure online donation using your PayPal balance or using a credit card, debit card, or an ACH bank transfer through the PayPal processing service, please click the PayPal DONATE button below:
If you prefer to mail a check or money order instead, please make it out to “Novus Ordo Watch” or “Interregnum Foundation” and mail it to the following postal address in the United States:
Interregnum Foundation, Inc.
11711 Princeton Pike
Suite 341-238
Cincinnati, OH 45246-2534
Novus Ordo Watch is a DBA of Interregnum Foundation, Inc., and is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the state of Ohio. This means that all U.S. contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
In order to be counted for tax year 2023, we must receive all online donations by Dec. 31, 2023, 11:59 pm Eastern time. Checks or money orders must be mailed with a postmark date of Dec. 30, 2023 or earlier that year.
At this time we would also like to express our gratitude to all who are current or past supporters of Novus Ordo Watch, who have helped to keep things float. We realize that economic times have been very difficult, and our request for support is never directed at people who are struggling financially. We only ask some support from those who are of sufficient means and who find this apostolate valuable.
Next year, 2024, promises to be no less turbulent than the past 12 months. Chances are there will be a new conclave producing a new ‘pontificate’. When that happens, we will have a special ‘Conclave Watch’ page keeping you current on what’s happening in Rome. Also, the Synod on Synodality will reconvene and have its grand finale. Furthermore, as Novus Ordo theology becomes ever more absurd (now with an explicitly-desired ‘paradigm shift’!), especially with regard to morality and ecumenical/ interreligious projects, where the apostasy is most visible, we will witness ever more ridiculous contortions by Novus Ordo apologists. Some will probably not be able to keep the charade going anymore and will drop out and change positions (such as former Catholic Answers host Patrick Coffin has done). Oh, and the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X will need new bishops before long, so… it’s certainly not going to be boring!
God has blessed Novus Ordo Watch tremendously in 2023, and so many souls have benefited from that. Thank you for helping to oppose the manifold errors and heresies that are ravaging so many unsuspecting souls in our day.
Image source: Shutterstock (Datenschutz-Stockfoto)
License: paid
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