He kneels before man but not before God…
The Francis Show, Holy Thursday Edition
He kisses tenderly because he can…
He kneels before man but not before God…
He kisses tenderly because he can…
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The sequel to “The Passion of the Christ” — “The Resurrection of the Christ” — is set to begin production in Italy this August…
While we're all complaining about VATICAN II... Let's see someone come up wi…
The Ripple Effect of the Rupnik Case - #rupnik
The Ripple Effect of the Rupnik Case
The explosive (and horrible) Rupnik case - a kind of #metoo in the Vatican - continues to haunt Pope Francis d...
Catholic Church sex abuse survivors launch database vetting cardinals' records | AP News https://t.co/fq0szRuqL3
Indonesian Novus Ordo bishops urge ecological conversion and social justice in Lenten message - #catholictwitter
Indonesian bishops urge ecological conversion and social justice in Lenten message - Vatican News
Several Indonesian Bishops release their 2025 Lenten message and invite the faithful to embrace Pope Francis' call f...
Jesuits begin ‘reparation’ process for alleged Rupnik victims - #rupnik
Jesuits begin 'reparation' process for alleged Rupnik victims - LifeSite
The Jesuits' move to assist alleged victims will no doubt be welcomed as a positive first step, but many questio...
Purgatory is so pre-Vatican II: "When a #Catholic family visits its faithful departed, the Diocese of Phoenix seeks to ensure that space is bathed in peace, a sense of God’s loving closeness and the joy of believing the individual is now with his or her heavenly Father, awaiting
"Francis requires nursing care and physical assistance and his staff will have to struggle to make the Santa Martha guesthouse accommodate his needs – a particular irony given that the Apostolic Palace he rejected has the capability for the medical care he requires." -
'Pope' Francis in hospital: the truth, the half-truths and the future - #popefrancis #catholictwitter
Pope Francis in hospital: the truth, the half-truths and the future
With at least two months of isolated recovery, Pope Francis faces a completely new era of his pontificate after ...