That Bergoglian jaw keeps moving…
More of the Same:
Big New Francis Interview Published
The Spanish newspaper El País has just released a new interview with “Pope” Francis, and it’s a long one to boot: In their English translation, the answers given by Francis exceed no fewer than 6,000 words. This is not surprising for the “Pope” who has practically talked non-stop since 2013, and who has given so many interviews that we have long stopped counting (we are probably in the 30-40ish range at this point).
The Q&A with Francis was conducted in Spanish and has been made available by El País in the following languages:
- “The danger is that in times of crisis we look for a savior” (English)
- “El peligro en tiempos de crisis es buscar un salvador que nos devuelva la identidad y nos defienda con muros” (Spanish)
- “O perigo em tempos de crise é buscar um salvador que nos devolva a identidade e nos defenda com muros” (Portuguese)
Here are what are perhaps the most salient quotes of the lengthy text:
- “To change is unnatural.”
- “Everything is calm, everything is quiet, when everything goes right. Too much order. When you read the Acts of the Apostles, Saint Paul’s epistles, it was a mess, there were troubles, people moved. An anesthetized person is not in touch with people.”
- “[C]lericalism … is the worst evil that may afflict today’s Church.”
- “With regard to the Church, I would say that I hope that it never stops being close. Close to the people. Proximity. A Church that is not close is not a Church. It’s a good NGO…. Being close is touching, touching Christ in flesh and blood through your neighbor.”
- [on President Trump:] “We will see. We will see what he does and will judge. Always on the specific. Christianity, either is specific or it is not Christianity.”
- “I am not a saint. I am not making any revolution. I am just trying to push the Gospel forward. In an imperfect way, because I make my blunders from time to time.”
- [on what was contained in the white box given to him by Benedict XVI in 2013:] “A very normal sample of daily life within the Church: saints and sinners, honest people and crooked people. Everything was there!”
- “In the restaurant of life you always get many ideological dishes. Always. You may always take refuge in that. They are shelters that prevent you from connecting with reality.”
- “When I asked the parishes and the schools in Rome to take in immigrants, many said that it had been a failure. It is not true! It was not a failure at all!”
- “…what is the big problem for Sweden now? It isn’t that they don’t want any more immigrants to come, no! They can’t get enough of the integration programs! They wonder what else can they do to get more people to come. It is astonishing. It is an example for the whole world.”
- “I think that I should be more unrecognized because of my sins. Paul VI was the unappreciated martyr. (…) Evangelii gadium, which frames the pastoral principles that I want for the Church, is an update of Paul VI’s Evangelii Nuntiandi. He is a man who was ahead of history. And he suffered a lot. He was a martyr.”
- “There are some who don’t agree, of course, and they have the right, because, if I felt bad because someone disagrees with me, I would have the germ of a dictator in me. They have the right to disagree. They have the right to think that the path is dangerous, that the outcome may be bad, they have the right. But provided they talk, that they don’t hide behind others. Nobody has the right to do that. Hiding behind others is inhumane, it is a crime. Everyone has the right to debate, and I wish we all would debate more, because it creates a smoother connection between us. Debating unites us. A debate in good faith, not with slander nor things like that.”
- [on whether he feels uncomfortable with power:] “But I don’t have the power. The power is something shared. The power exists when we make decisions that have been meditated, talked about, prayed, prayer helps me very much, it is a great support for me. I don’t feel uncomfortable with power. I feel uneasy with certain protocols, but that is because I come from the streets.”
- “Communication comes from God. God communicates. God has communicated with us throughout history. God doesn’t exist isolated. God communicates, and has spoken, and has accompanied us, and has challenged us, and has made us change course, and he is still with us. You cannot understand Catholic theology without God’s communication. God is not static up there, watching how people have fun or ruin themselves. God gets involved, through the word and through his flesh. And that is my starting point.”
- “Today, communicating is divine, it always was, because God communicates, and is human, because God communicated in a human way.”
- [on when he will travel to China:] “As soon as they invite me. They know that. Besides, in China, churches are crowded. In China they can worship freely.”
- “In times of crisis, we lack judgment, and that is a constant reference for me. Let’s look for a savior who gives us back our identity and lets defend ourselves with walls, barbed-wire, whatever, from other peoples that may rob us of our identity. And that is a very serious thing. That is why I always try to say: talk among yourselves, talk to one another. But the case of Germany in 1933 is typical, a people that was immersed in a crisis, that looked for its identity until this charismatic leader came and promised to give their identity back, and he gave them a distorted identity, and we all know what happened. Where there is no conversation… Can borders be controlled? Yes, each country has the right to control its borders, who comes and who goes, and those countries at risk —from terrorism or such things— have even more the right to control them more, but no country has the right to deprive its citizens of the possibility to talk with their neighbors.”
- “Talk. That is the advice I give to every country. Talk, please. A fraternal conversation, if you feel up to it, or at least in a civilized way. Don’t throw insults at each other. Don’t condemn before talking. If, after the conversation, you still want to insult the other, alright, but first talk. If, after the conversation, you still want to condemn the other, alright, but first talk.”
- “Liberation Theology was very positive for Latin America. The Vatican condemned the part that adopted the Marxist analysis of reality. Cardinal Ratzinger conducted two inquiries when he was Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. One, very clear, about the Marxist analysis of reality. And a second one that recovered some positive aspects. Liberation Theology had positive aspects and also deviations, mainly in the part of the Marxist analysis of reality.”
- “…I have felt used, yes, there are people that have used me, my pictures, my words, as if I had said anything to them, and whenever someone asks me, I always respond: it’s not my problem, I didn’t say anything. But I am not getting into it. Everybody deals with his own conscience.”
- “We must not look at the role of women from a functional point of view, because that way, in the end, the women, or the women’s movement in the Church, will be some sort of chauvinism in skirts. No. … But my concern is that women give us their thinking, because the Church is female, is Jesus Christ’s wife, and that is the theological foundation of women. When they ask me, I say yes, but women could have more. But what was more important on Pentecost, the Virgin or the apostles? The Virgin. The functional aspect may betray it when we put the woman in her place. We must do that, no doubt. Because there is a long way ahead yet, and we must work so that she may give to the Church the freshness of her being and her thinking.”
- “There are always more fundamentalist groups, in every country, in Argentina. They are small groups and I respect them, they are good people that prefer to live their faith that way. I preach what I feel that the Lord asks me to preach.”
- “In Europe there are no births. Italy has a rate below zero. I think that France is leading the way now, thanks to all the natality laws. But there are no births. The Italian welfare of years ago cut down births. We’d rather go on vacation, we have a dog, a cat, we don’t have children and, if there are no births, there are no vocations.”
- [on the next conclave:] “I want it to be Catholic. A Catholic conclave that chooses my successor.”
- [on seeing the next conclave from the afterlife:] “I hope it will not be from Hell… But I want it to be a Catholic consistory.”
Providing commentary on all this bizarre rambling would not only be a serious waste of time at this point but also give the Bergoglian drivel a dignity it clearly does not deserve. We already have seen and heard enough from and about Francis to know that he is not a Roman Catholic, not a priest or bishop, and most definitely not the Vicar of Christ.
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That interview is a glimpse into a disordered undisciplined mind.
A trifling attempt at a work, with all due, and for what it’s worth…
Your assessment is a mistake. Pope S. Pius X, for one, speaks of that very tactic and sort that resorts to it as SOP.
Ex: “But since the Modernists (as they are commonly and rightly called) employ a very clever artifice, namely, to present their doctrines without order and systematic arrangement into one whole, scattered and disjointed one from another, so as to appear to be in doubt and uncertainty, while they are in reality firm and steadfast,…”
Yes you are right. My mistake.
Yes…in other words, lying. A person who lies is disordered.
A sinful, disordered, shameless, impulsive, and undisciplined mind leading many souls into confusion, despair and hopelessness…
**** four stars !
Four **** 🙂
Its times like this where I just kick back, drink my lemonade, and say to myself: “thank God Francis is not the Pope.” Because if he was then I would have to find a new religion.
And after the lemonade, pick up your weapon (Holy Rosary) and pray like your life depended on it to our Lady of Victory, the Hammer of Heresy, that she will intercede on our behalf.
“Your Holiness, do you think that you will witness the next conclave?”
“Francis: I want it to be Catholic. A Catholic conclave that chooses my successor.
Question: And will you see it?
Francis: I don’t know. That is for God to decide. When I feel that I cannot go on, my great teacher Benedict taught me how to do it.”
Both the interviewer and Francisco take for granted his possible resignation.
And if he says “a Catholic conclave,” it is because he could be “interreligious” or “ecumenical.”
And the following, to remember: “Question: And will you go soon to China?
Francis: As soon as they invite me. They know that. Besides, in China, churches are crowded. In China they can worship freely.”
The Spanish original in El País reads: “Se puede practicar la religión en China.” That translates to: “The religion can be practiced in China.”
The word “freely” is not mentioned in Spanish.
I wonder if Novus Ordo Watch would consider doing a lengthy piece on Martin Scorsese’s new film, “Silence”, about the Catholic martyrs of Japan.
My take on it was that parts of it were mesmerizing and I was happy to see such topics brought up at all in a major Hollywood movie. But I left the theater sincerely frustrated at what a great Catholic film it COULD have been – another Passion of the Christ. But Scorsese is no Mel Gibson, unfortunately. It’s heartbreaking to think about what a wasted opportunity the film was!
Was the film acceptable for adult Catholics to watch, or was it just so sacraligious and or bladphemous like Scorsese’s Last Temptation of Christ, that it would be sinful to just countenance it?
I don’t believe it is sacrilegious to watch it. And there were parts of it that were inspiring. Like I said, it was a treat just to see such spiritual topics taken seriously in a major Hollywood movie. So I wasn’t sorry I saw it.
Just very disappointed at how great it COULD have been been. Scorsese just was not going to have the main character of the film (the Jesuit priest) persevere to the end, with his faith unshaken, and gloriously die a martyr’s death. Even though many Jesuits did just that – not only in pagan Japan, but in places like “civilized” England (see: St. Edmund Campion)
Everything is about suffering v. comfort in THIS life. I wish Scorsese had had the guts to go all the way, and make it a truly Catholic film, as Mel Gibson would have done.
And again, I would love to see Novus Ordo Watch do an in-depth review of the film.
Just as an aside, it’s *Bl* Edmund Campion. He unfortunately has not yet been canonized (except by Paul VI in 1970).
“Just as an aside, it’s *Bl* Edmund Campion. He unfortunately has not yet been canonized (except by Paul VI in 1970).”
Thanks got the correction. Hard to believe he hasn’t been cannonized in well over 4 centuries, even though he so clearly lived a life of heroic sanctity and died a martyr’s death, refusing to recant the Faith even in the face of unspeakable torture.
Yet the Novus Ordo church canonized “Pope” JPII and Mother Theresa practically while they were still warm. Unreal.
Indeed. Many of the English Martyrs have been beatified by popes Leo XIII and Pius IX but so far the only ones to be canonized (not including Novus Ordo “canonizations”) are Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher.
I have read up on the film and believe that no Catholic should watch it.
The first half of the film seems Catholic and seems to portray persecuted Catholcis in Japan in a reasonable way, but then the film – being made by evil-doers – turns to it’s true purpose, lies, blasphemy and attacking the faith.
Liam Neeson narrated a pro abortion ad in Ireland in 2015 in which he says:
In the film, over black and white shots of graves, crosses, and church ruins, Neeson narrates:
“A ghost haunts Ireland. A cruel ghost of the last century … It blindly
brings suffering, even death, to the women whose lives it touches.
Feared by politicians, this is a ghost of paper and ink … A constitution
written for a different time. It is the shadow of the country we’d left
behind… Ireland doesn’t have to be chained to its past. It’s time to
lay this ghost of rest.”
…Anyway – it’s telling that they cast Neeson in ‘Silence’ as a former Jesuit now apostate working for the Japanese government which is persecuting Catholics.
The film basically becomes the story of the two Jesuit missionaries having their faith tested, but with the focus being plainly on apostasy; that it is ok to apostatize; that it will save lives, and that you can still hang on to your faith in your heart.
The two Jesuits have gone to look for their former teacher played by Neeson, but he has given up the faith and now helps the government to track down secret Catholics.
One of the two does apostatize, and is influenced in his choice by Neeson who among other things says that the Japanese Catholics who died did not even die for the faith but were just thinking of the “sun” in the sky…the red orb that rises in the morning, or something like that.
The new apostate then helps Neeson in the nefarious work of getting the Japanese Catholics to abandon the faith.
Those who reject the faith are required to step on an image of Christ to prove their apostasy.
The film is a diabolical attack on the facts of history, and doesn’t (at length) hide it’s anti-Catholic message. It dishonestly gives the appearance of a genuine Catholic film at first, and as is to be expected from liars, it settles the viewer in at first with a seeming depiction of true missionary work and genuine faith.
Catholics don’t need to draw foul and corrupted water from the wells of the sons of the devil – they have the faith and all it’s richness..don’t go near it.
I figured Scorcese couldn’t possibly have made something decent. Thanks.
No doubt Scorcese felt it would be too “simplistic” and not “challenging” to show the Jesuits and Japanese Catholics as good and heroic, and to depict the Japanese persecutors as cardboard cut-out villains.
Funny, those standards don’t seem to apply to “Holocaust” movies now do they?
I don’t recall Hollywood being at pains to show us “both sides of the story” in these cases, do they?
Well, it is pretty hard to portray the good side of those who comitted the holocaust. I do think one could portray such a film in a sophisticated way without resorting to cardboard cutout villans.
Well, I think it’s pretty hard to portray the good side of those who all but extinguished the Catholic Faith in 17th century Japan, through the use of mass murders and torture. But Scorcese found a way.
Since the Jews were expelled from virtually every country in Europe at some time or another over the last couple thousand years, I’m sure you could make a movie that would dramatize all they did to wear out their welcome in Germany, as they did everywhere else. Or even make a movie showing the reasons why Her Most Catholic Majesty Queen Isabella of Spain expelled all the Jews from Spain in 1492. You can bet she had good reasons, as she was renowned for her holiness and piety.
But the Jews would never stand for it. They don’t allow you to ever hear the other side of the story. The Jews are always perfect, blameless, innocent victims. But Catholics are never accorded such treatment.
A lot of us are sick of it.
Well, I will point out a few things. Christianity in Japan was essentially alien and the shogunate certaintly thought it a threat, I suppose in much the same way Pre-Constantine Roman Emperors may have thought about Christianity. And we all certainly understand their motives and acknowledge what was good in them, though they certainly commited great atrocities. And the Holocaust involved the genocide of a large number of Catholics as well as Jews, so are you going to argue that those Catholics had it comming or wore out their welcome and deserved to be slaughtered? It would be a pretty tough sell!
I would caution you not to be so gullible as to believe everything you are told about the “Holocaust”, which has evolved to become its own religion, “Holocaustianity”. Be skeptical when you hear wild claims, question their feasibility, and remember that there are always two sides to every story. If you are only hearing one side, you will not have the whole truth. For example, haven’t you ever wondered WHY every country Jews ever lived in eventually got fed up with them and kicked them up? What is it about their behavior that caused this reaction…over and over again? Why is this never addressed in any Hollywood movie? Hmmm…I wonder why.
Not to mention our side killed a heckova lot of innocent Catholic civilians in Europe when we burned entire cities to the ground…and Nagasaki was the center of the Catholic community in Japan when we nuked it.
But I’m just going to leave it there. This is getting too off topic.
It’s clear Bergoglio is a hypocrite. He claims everyone has a right to discourse only it’s just lies. His actions show he will not engage in fair debate or even discussion. He uses cunning and proxies to foist his agenda on the faithful. “Debating unites us.” Ha, it would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious and if schism wasn’t staring us all in the face.
In this same interview he’s said to have warned that populism might bring about “saviors” like Hitler. But the irony is that Jorge has run a populist campaign from the moment of his “buona sera.” And if there is a populist world leader who is actually a dictator in sheep’s clothing it’s Francis. How else can he be described other than a dictator? He’s authoritarian, rigs the vote, has conducted purges, and is clearly leading the flock down a godless path.
He said: “But go to that: to the gospel. And who are the best emissaries of the Gospel? The saints. I’m not a saint. I’m not making any revolution. I’m trying so that the Gospel moves forward. But imperfectly, because I skid at times.”
So he is conscious of sin and or error, but doesn’t specify. Maybe he will begin very soon. Substantially. Without omissions. Hopefully.
6000 words. The father of lies is also a ‘communicator’ – communicating falsehoods, deceits, lies, poisons, all geared to waste one’s soul. Bergoglio has a particular skill in this area.
It seems to me that he gave some sign that the role of women in the Church will increase. Will we have “priestesses” saying the Masonic mass of Novus Ordo? What more does this man have to do to prove himself an antipope? R & R and conservatives Novus Ordo are blinded!
You know, I wonder if Bergoglio did something like that that, overreached beyond what even the thickest conservative Catholic could excuse away, if it just might wake some folks up.
I’m afraid that for many there is no “breaking point” because they have long decided that he is the Pope, NO MATTER WHAT. For such people it is not a matter of evidence, it is a matter of a principle that cannot be broken. Very tragic.
Don’t lose hope. I only came around in October in the aftermath of A.L. and the changes to Novus Ordo canon law.
[on the next conclave:] “I want it to be Catholic. A Catholic conclave that chooses my successor.”
Well, I agree with him here. I’d like to see that too!
I’ve heard Fr. Cekada use the phrase: “unintentionally comical.”
Anything about s*it-eaters?
This is the ramblings of a man who speaks in nonsensical platitudes well beyond any profound or logical Catholic Truths. Compare the clear and concise true Catholic language writings of faithful Popes and Saints. This is a mishmash devoid of wisdom or Faith !!
You forgot to quote the Hitler part!
Just two days after Trump’s inauguration, Bergoglio says in his 1/22/17 El País interview, when asked about Trump et al.: