Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
September 28, 2016
Profanation: Electric Church continues to defile churches in Austria
- They’re coming for the souls of your children: Tennessee “Bishop” makes Erotic Sex Ed mandatory for Graduation, refuses to allow opt-out — Our Blessed Lord had something to say about that: “And whosoever shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me; it were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck, and he were cast into the sea” (Mk 9:41)
- Just wait till you examine their theology! Psychiatrist: ‘The Vatican’s Sex Ed is the most dangerous threat to youth I’ve seen in 40 years’ — Background: Vatican’s new Sex Ed program introduced at World Youth Day
- Pay close attention, SSPXers: Bishop Rifan shows what happens when you make a deal with Rome and get an “Apostolic Administration” as a reward: Full Steam into the New Church
- That figures: “Father” James Martin will accept Award from Pro-Sodomite Group condemned by Vatican and U.S. bishops — You know a group is bad when even American Novus Ordo bishops condemn the thing!
- Relax, everyone, world peace is just around the corner: Soccer Legends to play the Francis “Match for Peace”
- Caution: There is now a new “Francis Bishop” from Buenos Aires, and this photo says all you need to know
- Bet you didn’t know: Calvary isn’t just a painting on the wall, it’s … the Poor!
- Fantastic! You can now waste your time signing the umpteenth useless petition/declaration against Francis’ Amoris Laetitia!
- Put on your Surprise Face: “Annulment” cases in Scranton diocese on rise after fee waiver
- It’s just not 1956 anymore! Novus Ordo confessions in 2016: “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned: I had a backyard barbecue last night…”
- Not enough Vatican II, so that needs to change: Francis overhauls Female Contemplative Life (see more here)
- Magister: Francis causes Unemployment — in the Curia
- Australian “Bishop”: Homosexuality “intrinsically disordered”? That is so pre-Francis!
- Interesting Photos of a secret world: Really Inside the Vatican
- How the Novus Ordo Sect undermines people’s belief in hell as a real threat to their souls: The Bell Curve Theory of Salvation
- Ed Feser takes Mark Shea to task on the death penalty: Part 1 here and Part 2 here
- The New Apologetics? First Liturgy of Apology to Perverts held in Australia
- A Saint Francis of Assisi he ain’t: How “Pope” Francis betrayed his name
- Intolerable: “Archbishop” Blase Cupich finds 30% of Novus Ordos have a negative view of Islam, vows to fight it with Dialogue!
- You couldn’t make it up if you got paid for it: “Pope” says welcoming Refugees keeps us safe from Terrorism
- Intrepid Francis defender Jeff Mirus has an idea: Adultery as a venial sin!
- Now an eighth work of mercy? Phil Lawler can’t take it anymore and now even Jeff Mirus has no defense!
- Jorge the Humble to continue hobnobbing with the rich and famous while refusing to meet with the family of Asia Bibi: Time Inc. to host Global Forum featuring “Pope” Francis in December
- Brought to you by the earth-goddess-worshipper “Cardinal” Ravasi & Gang: Vatican to host “First World Conference of Faith and Sports” in October — These days, the Vatican is interested in promoting anything that isn’t the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
- Your Novus Ordo future: Italian pastor welcomes and endorses “married” Lesbians, hopes his sect will eventually allow pervert “marriages” to be celebrated in church — In Ireland, two Lesbian parishioners applauded for their homo “marriage”
- The 96th Error: Francis is about to celebrate the Protestant Reformation in Sweden, and Vatican II backs him up
- The gift that keeps on giving: The “New Springtime” of Vatican II hits Saint Louis
- You can’t make this stuff up: Heretical “papal” household preacher warns against “Triumphalism of our Species”
- Die-hard Novus Ordo defender Steve Kellmeyer is upset about our memes but can’t explain why: “Catholic Truth in Other Religions” — Reality Check: To assert that “every religion is attractive to men ONLY because every religion has some seed of truth” is gratuitous and falsely assumes that only truth is attractive, denying the effects of original sin. But it also is irrelevant because whatever is attractive in false religions is “the very qualities which alone make them dangerous”, as explained by Fr. Sarda in his book Liberalism is a Sin, Chapter 18. Kellmeyer can keep repeating that “the magisterium cannot be broken”, but this just proves that the Novus Ordo magisterium is not the Catholic magisterium because it is broken.
- Had it been with a man, they would have made him “cardinal”: Vatican fires Mallorca “Bishop” over Affair with female Secretary
- Take it from someone who forces error on people: Francis: The truth can’t be forced on people! — No kidding, and who exactly in the Novus Ordo Sect is forcing the truth on people? Practically no one (well, Tim Haines tries maybe). Francis keeps denouncing problems that don’t exist! But notice how in that context he also condemns “growing fixated on some religious or moral obligation” — you know, kind of like, “If you love me, keep my commandments” (Jn 14:15)
- Next on the agenda: Married Novus Ordo priests! — But that’s nothing, really. Years ago already we reported on the divorced Novus Ordo priest!
- Building bridges, not walls? Cathedral closed after Occupation by Albanian Gypsies
- You can’t make this stuff up: “Catholic” Answers claims Muslims worship the True God and so did the Pagan Greeks! — Reality Check for Mr. Serpa: Muslims explicitly reject the Holy Trinity and worship a god who does not have a Son; the ancient Greeks did not worship the true God “unknowingly”, and a simple check of the Haydock Bible commentary on Acts 17:23 would have confirmed that: “the worship of the true God can never exist with the worship of idols… an explicit faith in God is required of all; … it is repugnant to implicit faith, to admit any thing contrary to it, as comparing this unknown God with the pagan idols; for God to be at all, must be one”
- Christopher Ferrara is huffing and puffing about Francis but stays imprisoned in his own false theology about the Papacy, rendering him unable to do anything but complain
- That’s it: Religions must take lead in protecting Creation, Francis says — Mr. Bergoglio may want to start by cutting down on his constant airplane trips abroad and by writing documents that are 98% shorter so we can save a few trees…
- In case you needed any more proof that the Vatican II Sect isn’t the Catholic Church: Vatican II was first time church asked ‘Who am I?’, says Canadian bishop
- The Amoris Laetitia wars have begun: Buenos Aires approves of “Communion” for unrepentant public adulterers, whereas Canadian “bishops” reject
- Denying the effects of original sin, Francis the Naturalist equates being a creature of God with being a child of God — But “the creature also itself shall be delivered from the servitude of corruption, into the liberty of the glory of the children of God” (Rom 8:21). And how do we become children of God? “For you are all the children of God by faith, in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:26). But he doesn’t believe this, which is why he doesn’t preach Jesus Christ to the Heathens, the Jews, and the Mohammedans!
- The story is from 2014 but no less relevant today: Israeli Institute Prepares Jewish Priests for Jerusalem’s Third Temple
- Rome’s most famous Exorcist, Fr. Gabriele Amorth, has died at age 91 — Why the Novus Ordo rite of exorcism is an exorcise in futility, is explained here
- And now: Dance Ministry with the Augustinian Sisters!
- First-ever English translation of theological masterpiece now released: Cardinal John Franzelin’s On Divine Tradition
- How different things were 100 years ago! Msgr. Umberto Benigni and the Anti-Modernist Battle of the Sodalitium Pianum
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