Next step: “Cardinal”?
Surprise! Francis appoints Chicago’s Ultra-Liberal “Archbishop” Cupich to Vatican Congregation for Bishops
Put on your surprise face, everyone: “Pope” Francis has appointed his Lodge brother Blase Cupich to the all-important Congregation for Bishops, the Vatican dicastery that examines and recommends to the “Pope” which Novus Ordo priests should be raised to the level of bishop and which bishops should be appointed to which dioceses. The appointment was noted in today’s press bulletin, released at Roman noon:
- The Table Has Turned – Pope Sets Bishops A-Blase (July 7, 2016)
Few Novus Ordo bishops are as toxic for souls as Mr. Cupich. It is no wonder that he caught Francis’ eye as the perfect wrecker for Chicago and now, in this additional new role, as a man who has decisive input as to who gets to be a “Catholic bishop” in the first place. You can bet your bottom dollar that by the time the next consistory rolls around — most likely in February 2017 — Cupich will be named a “Cardinal” by the Argentinian antipope.
Who is Balse Cupich? Frequent visitors to this web site will know that we have appropriately nicknamed him “The Dirtbag”, and a quick review of the facts about him will demonstrate why:
- he believes dismembering children in the womb and then selling their organs like “spare parts” is no more repulsive than being denied entry into a foreign country which one has no right to enter:
- commenting on the baby-parts-selling scandal of Planned Parenthood in 2015, he acknowledged it as “repulsive” but immediately added we should be “no less appalled [!] by the indifference toward the thousands of people … who are denied rights by a broken immigration system and by racism” and other things he identified as social ills — SOURCE HERE
- he has actively obstructed efforts by his own clergy and laity to oppose abortion
- he has praised Barack Obama’s refusal to deport illegal “immigrants”
- he is happy to give “Communion” to people who favor the dismemberment of unborn children
- he detests Catholic liturgical traditions and has left a trail of liturgical destruction in Columbus, Ohio
- he favors de facto quotas for altar girls
- he knows that the reason for Islamic terrorism is guns, not Islam
- he is particularly “sensitive” to LGBT-pervert issues
- he is so abominable, even Modernist cheerleader Mark Shea can’t stand him!
In short, Blase Cupich is the incarnation of everything that is wrong with the Novus Ordo religion. No wonder Francis found in him a perfect candidate for the Congregation for Bishops. Who knows, he might just become Francis II one day.
By the way, although some semi-traditionalists conveniently refer to Cupich as a “FrancisBishop”, the truth is that the person who is responsible for him becoming a “bishop” in the first place is “Saint” John Paul II, who appointed him in 1998. Ordained a Novus Ordo priest in 1975 and raised to the Novus Ordo episcopacy 13 years later, the good news is that Mr. Cupich is nothing but a layman in a fancy bishop’s costume, as the Novus Ordo ordination rite — imposed in 1968 — is invalid.
So, to sum up, we simply have another Freemasonic layman pretending to be a Roman Catholic archbishop, appointed to another influential position in the Vatican.
Come on, people, figure it out already.
Image source: Wikimedia Commons (Goat_Girl; cropped)
License: CC BY 2.0
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