Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
July 21, 2016
Ready for World Youth Day: The Polish Dancing “Nuns”!
- It’s official: The “Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne”, Australia, has become Muslim
- How to fill up a “Catholic” church in Belgium? Invite Muslims to have their Ramadan dinner party there!
- Austin points out a Ruse: Why it’s time to stop reading the “Catholic” Bloggers at Patheos and Aleteia — You know, the whole gang: Fisher, Shea, Armstrong, Pezzulo, Longenecker, etc.
- The Bergoglio Empire strikes back: After critics complain about Amoris Laetitia, Vatican ramps up Defense
- Novus Ordo Bishop of Wurzburg says he is “speechless” after Axe Attack on Train Passengers — They don’t know what to say because their Naturalist worldview does not allow for the stark reality of fallen human nature
- How low they have fallen: So-called Catholic Theological Society of America gives Top Honor to Open Sodomite
- Priceless: ‘Francis does not need a Spin Doctor’, says Francis’ Spin Doctor
- Another book that will give false hope to many and ultimately accomplish nothing except lots of sales for Ignatius Press: Hope for the World: To Unite All Things in Christ by “Cardinal” Raymond Burke (that’s THIS guy)
- How did that ever happen?!