Benedict XVI’s secretary speaks
Vatican “Abp.” Gänswein: Since Benedict XVI’s Abdication, there is now a Two-Member “Expanded Papacy”
Apparently, one Modernist Antipope was not enough…
[UPDATE 30-MAY-2016: English translation of complete Ganswein speech now available here]
The craziness in the Novus Ordo Sect just doesn’t stop.
On May 20, 2016, the Gregorian Pontifical University in Rome introduced “Fr.” Roberto Regoli’s new book, Oltre la crisi della Chiesa (“Beyond the Crisis of the Church”), a history of the “pontificate” of Benedict XVI (2005-2013). The book presentation was augmented by a talk given by the Vatican’s “Archbishop” Georg Gänswein, who is both the prefect of the “papal” household under Francis (and was formerly under Benedict XVI) as well as the private secretary of the “Pope Emeritus”, Benedict XVI.… READ MORE