Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
November 9, 2015
Vienna’s St. Charles Borromeo Church becomes… ELECTRIC CHURCH!
- Put on your Surprise Face: Francis appoints Heresiarch to Brussels, soft on Pervert “Priests”, soft on Sodomy — the Danneels Mafia Club payoff?
- Chicago’s Archlayman Cupich — “the Dirtbag” — has named his new consolidated diocesan school “Pope Francis Global Academy”
- Bet you didn’t know: “Prayer is the Treasure of All Religions”, says Francis — Heck, let’s not distinguish true prayer from false prayer (cf. Jn 4:24), salutary prayer from useless prayer (cf. Mt 6:7; Ecclus 7:15; Is 1:15), prayer pleasing to God from that which is odious to God (cf. Gen 4:3-5; Mt 15:7-9; Prov 28:9); the true God from the false god and the dumb idol (cf. 1 Thess 1:9; 3 Kings 18:21-40; Wis 15:15-17), or anything like that… Francis is always condemning the “idolatry” of something (money, freedom, etc.), but never the actual idolatry of, you know, idolatry!
- Post-Synodal Drip: Francis Is Silent, but another Jesuit is speaking for him — and guess what he’s saying about that pesky “Communion” for Adulterers problem
- “All who ask will be admitted” — Was Francis interview to Scalfari a Trial Balloon? In any case, they’re both “Close Collaborators united in a Common Cause”
- After the Synod: Get ready for “Regional Truth”! — “At stake here is nothing less than the universality of the Catholic Church, which distinguishes her from all other religious bodies” — Blah blah, Mr. Ferrara; for you it still won’t change anything, and that’s why they can be so successful: They know that you and your “traditionalist” friends still won’t draw the necessary conclusion from it all! So stop the dramatic rhetoric, it doesn’t mean squat to you!
- More Synod Fallout: Welcome to the Barney Church!
- That figures: Demand for Exorcists in Philippines triples after Francis visits in January 2015
- Don’t bother him with the facts: John Paul II’s 26-Year Conciliar Show ignored by Historian Roberto De Mattei
- Francis’ “Papacy” in Collapse: Antonio Socci on the Crisis of the Bergoglio Party
- Finally, some reason in this mad culture of ours: Believe it or not, Inequality can be a GOOD THING and Equality BAD!
- It’s just bread in both cases, they might as well share it: Shared “Communion” between Novus Ordos and Lutherans soon to come?
- Jesuit Superior from Latin America: “Yes, I know Bergoglio. He’s a person who’s caused a lot of problems in the Society” — Don’t you just love candid moments?!
- It was about time! American Bogus Ordo Bishops and Lutherans invent new sacrament: “the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper”! (see p. 20, n. 30, of this handy little “Declaration on the Way” to Hell [PDF])
- Ross Douthat’s One-Two Punch everybody has been talking about: First The Plot to Change Catholicism, then the follow-up Letter to the Catholic Academy
- So much for Mercy: Francis to publish first Book of his “Papacy” during Year of Mercy
- Shouldn’t be a problem, Reginald: Elton John (aka the Queen of England) wants to meet his “Hero”, “Pope” Francis — Somehow Francis always finds time for the wrong people… not, of course, for the family of Asia Bibi
- How the Novus Ordo Church helped Canada elect its most Pro-Abortion Prime Minister in history — You can always count on the Vatican II Sect to help destroy anything Catholic, anything decent, anything conservative, anything good and holy…
- True Mercy vs. False Mercy: Mgr. Fulton Sheen explains how Mercy is the Perfection of Justice
- Surrounded by Jews, Francis tells his Favorite Blasphemous Joke Again — Judas betrayed our Lord for 30 pieces of silver; Francis does it for free…
- Guaranteed not to be covered by Michael Voris: “Pope’s Gay Friend speaks out” (Caution: source web site is a homo-pervert news site)
- A March of Crimes? Whistleblower: March of Dimes hiding own Dark Secrets on Baby Parts — No doubt we have only touched the tip of the iceberg with the Planned Parenthood revelations…
- Someone’s figured it out: The Shell Game of Expectations
- Of Limped Wrists and Flaming Queens: Ann Barnhardt takes Jesuit “Fr.” James Martin to the Woodshed
- Doing what they love the most: Vatican welcomes Leaders of Different Faiths to commemorate Vatican II’s Nostra Aetate Declaration — If you haven’t seen it yet, check out this hilarious parody of the document, called Nostra Aetate Part 2: On the Church’s Relationship with Satan
- And now, a Reality Check on Intolerant Language…
- It gets worse and worse: Another Warning about the so-called “Latin Mass Society of the U.S. & Canada” — There is also a Nazi connection and even the FSSP has chimed in to condemn… More links on this perverted project here
- Same old material: Francis Recycles his Apostasy!
- Now available in Polish: Cardinal Manning on the Pope and the Antichrist – Kard. Manning Wykazał to Wszystko — Third-party bloggers are always welcome to translate our posts into foreign languages…
- Time again for Francis’ biweekly Condemnation of Anti-Semitism — And of course, being against Israel itself makes you not just Anti-Zionist but Anti-Semitic! Tell that to these guys…
- Vatileaks 2.0: New Tell-All Book released in English: Merchants in the Temple by Gianluigi Nuzzi — “Securing sainthood is a commercial process that can cost up to €750,000 in fees paid to a Vatican department that refuses to account for its spending” (The Times)
- And now… Convicts Dance for Francis! (Video)
- Fired-by-the-Vatican “Mgr.” Charamsa accuses Novus Ordo Sect of Persecuting Sodomites — If only they did!
- More Masons for Frank! Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines welcome “Pope” Francis
- Magister: Synod of Discord – Toward a “De Facto Schism” in the Church? — Will be interesting to see which Modernist faction the SSPX will eventually join…
- An Unholy Trinity: Rabbi, Imam and “Catholic Bishop” on Postal Stamp — expedited delivery to hell guaranteed! Tracking Number is 666…
- Church Dilettante: Michael Voris now attacks Bloggers, wants you to rely only on him and his “professional” crew! —Yeah, so professional that Voris spouted Heresy in his Vortex of April 24, 2015 and never retracted it!
- Shaken, not stirred: In a post of earth-shattering significance, ChurchMilitant informs the world that James Bond can only be a Fornicator, not a Sodomite — Heaven knows what bit these guys to put up a post promoting that beacon of virtue known as “James Bond”… must be those “professionals” at work again!
- Stay away from unapproved private revelations! Errors against the Faith in the Poem of the Man-God by Maria Valtorta — And this book is recommended by Bishop Richard Williamson!!
- Compare and contrast perennial Catholic Truth with the Modernists’ pet doctrine: The Social Kingship of Christ vs. Religious Liberty
- From a time when no one yet knew about Novus Ordo anything: 27 Fascinating Photos of Real Catholicism, before Vatican II
- Deo gratias, real Catholic Nuns are still around — and their numbers are increasing: Nun in Full Regalia stirs Heart
- New Book: Church of Spies: Pope Pius XII’s Secret War against Adolf Hitler
- Help spread the word: Real Catholic Video Sermons, made available by London’s Tridentine Mass Society
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