003 TRADCAST (11 MAR 2015)
- Response to Mr. Eric Gajewski of the TradCatKnight blog: Answering the arguments made in the post “Pope Leo XIII Against ‘Recognize & Resist ??’”, in which the author attempted to refute our post “Pope Leo XIII Quashes Popular ‘Recognize-and-Resist’ Position”
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Links to Items mentioned in the Show & Related Information
- Pope Leo XIII, Apostolic Letter Epistola Tua (1885)
- Pope Leo XIII, Apostolic Letter Est Sane Molestum (1888)
- Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Satis Cognitum (1896)
- Pope St. Pius X, Address to the Priests of the Apostolic Union (Nov. 18, 1912); in Acta Apostolicae Sedis 4 [1912], p. 695 (also found quoted in this post)
- Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Humani Generis (1950)
- Vatican I, Dogmatic Constitution Pastor Aeternus, Denzinger no. 1836
- TradCatKnight Blog (Eric Gajewski), “Pope Leo XIII Against ‘Recognize & Resist ??’”
- Rev. Anthony Cekada, “The Bellarmine ‘Resistance’ Quote: Another Traditionalist Myth”
- Book: The Catechism Explained by Fr. Francis Spirago (1899) — read online here
- Book: Dogmatic Theology, Vol. 2: Christ’s Church by Mgr. Gerard van Noort (1957)
- Book: A Manual of Dogmatic Theology, Vol. 2 by Fr. Adolphe Tanquerey (1959)
- Video: Papal Impostors: Historical Precedents
- Information: Sedevacantism – An Introduction (Video)
- Information: Proving Sedevacantism (Video)
- Information: “Okay, so Now What?!” — Being a Real Catholic Today
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