Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
March 27, 2015
Black Friday Stampede at Walmart? No, installation of Chilean “Bishop” Juan Barros, accused of covering up sex abuse
- You can’t make this stuff up: “Pope” John Paul I praised a public Satanist in his Angelus Address of Sept. 17, 1978!
- In case you’re wondering: Where’s Waldo? —Meeting with Francis!
- Bergoglio’s daily spankings for people trying to be faithful Catholics continue: Now it’s Doctrine versus Faith! Those without joy are not Catholics! Pity the hapless victims who listen to this junk… At this point, Bergoglio could openly teach Satan is God and no one would bat an eye… Here’s a video of the madness.
- Fr. Cekada on Restoration Radio: A Sedevacantist Priest analyzes Bp. Williamson’s Episcopal Consecration of Bp. Faure (free episode)
- Priceless Photos: Chilean Novus Ordo Bishops engage in Inca Sun God Worship
- Did “Pope” Francis deny the Dogma of Hell by saying that the wicked will get annihilated rather than punished eternally? Tom Droleskey takes it all apart: “Looking More Plausible by the Moment”; Eugenio Scalfari’s interview with Francis is posted here; and Pat Archbold explains why this story didn’t make waves
- Memo From Two Popes and Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton to Bishop Williamson: No One Can Resist A True and Legitimate Successor of Saint Peter
- And now, perfect for Lent: YOGA Stations of the Cross!
- Canadian Court rules Jesuit School can teach from Catholic Perspective — Fantastic, now we just need a ruling that they are required to do so…
- Answering a Critic: “The Non-Catholic Pope, continued”
- The inmates are running the asylum, folks: Francis-appointed “Cardinal” Nichols chastises Novus Ordo “Priests” and Bloggers while he Lays Flowers at Hindu god
- Please start hootin’ and hollerin’ now: Video of “Ordination” of New Orleans’ latest Bogus Ordo Bishop
- As everyone is praising San Francisco’s “Archbishop” Cordileone to the Skies, here’s a Reality Check on where Cordileone really stands on Homosexuality
- Francis has figured out the real danger about the upcoming Family Synod in October: GOSSIP!
- In Chile, they’re making a mess: Protesters throw objects at accused “Bishop” during Installation Ceremony
- Remember, folks: They can’t figure out why people have stopped going to church…
- These worthless Novus Ordo bishops are always quick to step in when they really want to: U.S. Novus Ordo Senator’s anti-Hindu views promptly opposed/“corrected” by local “Catholic Bishop”
- A Novus Ordo Presbyter confesses he is “Afraid of Pope Francis”
- Are you a Homo-Pervert who wants to become a Novus Ordo Priest? Join the Jesuits!
- Blessed by “Cardinal” Dolan, New York’s Homo-Perverts march in St. Patrick’s Day Parade
- Drive-Thru Delivery: Francis picks up a Pizza after saying in interview he’d love to go out for pizza some time incognito
- Blaising all the way to Hell: The Real Scoop on “Archbishop” Blaise Cupich of Chicago
- How the Novus Ordo Religion came to be: Pre-Vatican II document to Cardinal Bea, Anti-Jewish Elements in Catholic Liturgy: A Memorandum to the Novus Ordo Secretariat for Christian Unity
- With at least one Flip for every Flop: A master at playing both sides, two-faced Francis says “Communion” for public Adulterers “does not resolve anything”
- Francis’ Heresy on the Death Penalty refuted by Pope Pius XII and basic Catholic catechisms
- Sandro Magister presents Anthology of Bergoglian Contradictions — No mystery here, just an anti-Catholic shrewdly undermining Catholicism while trying to maintain plausible deniability and giving the impression of being confused rather than pertinacious — just as Pope Pius VI warned against
- That Schism is coming: People starting to ask, “So what do we do now?”
- Mark 9:41 Update: Novus Ordo University in Ontario hosting talk by Pervert Activist who wants to ‘Indoctrinate’ Children into LGBTQ Agenda
- Quick Reality Check: Francis’ Religion of “Mercy” Kills Unborn Babies
- Just what you wanted: Two new Books on “Pope” Francis, including one by Marxist Leonardo Boff
- Capturing the Apostasy: Gustavo Masó presents Interfaith Painting of Francis, Abboud, and Skorka
- It’s a recurring problem with him: Francis picks his nose at the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre
- Update on the United States’ “Gayest Catholic Parish”: Accepting the Sins of the Sinner
- Another Apostate has kicked the bucket: Notre Dame’s Fr. Theodore Hesburgh had an appointment with his Judge
- Blasphemy: Boston’s “Monsignor” Paul V. Garrity puts Holy Family on Par with Homosexual Couples — this is the same guy we nicknamed “Mgr. Smarty-Pants” for arguing that Divorce proves a Marriage was Invalid
- Buyer Beware: In the Novus Ordo Sect, they’re always Recycling Old Ways of Leading Souls to Hell
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