Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
January 24, 2015
A Baptism to remember: Novus Ordo “Priest” fights woman using “holy water”
- Fit for a Non-Catholic: Francis the Indifferentist wears Hindu Shawl in Sri Lanka
- Bankrupt! Another Novus Ordo Sham Diocese bites the Dust
- Coming soon, to a Novus Ordo church near you? Self-Communion in Italy
- Ominous Signs from Brazil: Francis and the Communists
- In case you were wondering: This is why your son doesn’t want to be a Novus Ordo Altar Boy
- No, Mr. Longenecker, the same old arguments aren’t going to work this time around: Don’t like Francis? Well then obviously YOU are the problem!
- If only Pope Leo X had known this: Francis says Lutherans, who deny the existence of Sanctifying Grace, can witness to God’s Mercy
- Rabbitgate: Verrecchio blasts Francis for rebuking pregnant woman who had had 6 children by C-Section
- Magister on Bergoglian Hypocrisy: “Francis Flogs the Curia. But What a Gap Between Words and Deeds”
- Hellish: Modern “Artist” fills church with tin cans and skull representing a “Hungry God”
- Bring back the Bodysnatchers! Immodest Body Builder Images projected onto Church in Paris
- “NGOs, please meet the Peripheries!”
- That typical Bergoglian Double Standard: Francis says Religious Faith should not be mocked — unless he’s the one doing the mocking, of course
- “After papal trip, Filipino Bishops feel ‘New Wind’ of the Holy Spirit” – We’ve been hearing this kind of empty drivel since the 1960s – will it ever end?
- That Intra-Novus-Ordo Schism is coming: Spanish blogger claims “Cardinal” Burke, Paraguayan “Bishop” considering possibility Francis may be an Antipope
- You can’t make this stuff up: In Philippines, resolution passed to name Francis “Superpope”
- Next time one of those smart-alecky Novus Ordo apologists tells you that traditional Catholics are “just a bunch of Protestants”, show them this article: Francis, quoting John Paul II, tells Lutherans they “witness to the one common Faith of the whole of Christianity” — HERESY!
- Behold how quickly they can act against “wayward” clerics if they want to: Anti-Islam Novus Ordo Priest in Germany barred from Preaching
- Mr. Ganswein speaks on Francis, Benedict, and Communion for Public Adulterers
- More Mainstream Novus Ordos turning on Francis: First Things’ Mullarkey vs. Mark Shea’s Malarkey
- Not Again: Yet another blogger offers three “Keys” to Understanding Francis — The problem isn’t that we don’t understand Francis; the problem is that we do! But funny how no matter what “keys” individual bloggers offer, they all seem to agree on one point: If you don’t like/understand Francis, you need to change!
- That figures: New CEO of “Catholic Charities” is Pro-Abortion “Nun” — Where is Nun Control when you need it?
- Memo to Vatican Airlines: Please outlaw all In-Flight Interviews!
- Liturgical Terrorism: Mexican “Priest” uses “Holy Water Gun” on Parishioners
- Reason No. 8433 not to be Novus Ordo: “Father” Fray Tormenta!
- Rev. Paul Kramer: Vladimir Putin asked Francis to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary – Francis said No — Of course he said no, because if he did it, Russia would still not convert, because Francis is not a true Pope, and so his false pontificate would be exposed as a fraud
- Nuncio predicts Francis will visit Iraq – Let’s hope he’ll spare at least those poor persecuted people from his usual drivel about NGOs, a culture of encounter, and time being greater than space…
- Get your Surprise Face ready: Now we know where Francis got his idea about a “God of Surprises”
- Heaven help us: Francis to address United States Congress in September
- Bad News for Novus Ordos: Francis says his Statements, Homilies are part of the Magisterium
- Don’t miss this: What’s ahead for this year? Restoration Radio kicks off Season 4
- Had enough of the Novus Ordo Religion and its insipid homilies full of platitudes and hippie slogans? Listen to realCatholic sermons instead: Bp. Sanborn on “Catholic Culture and the Attacks on the Church”
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