Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
September 27, 2014
Official Song for Francis’ Visit to Philippines in Jan 2015:
“We Are all God’s Children” – More Naturalist-Masonic Junk
- Just in time for the Synod: Aberrosexual Chaos in “Catholic” Church in Argentina
- Architecture from Hell: Can you guess which of these dozens of horror churches are “Catholic”?
- News Flash! Francis’ Vatican does still believe in one moral imperative… FIGHTING CLIMATE CHANGE! — No doubt, inside the Vatican global warming is indeed real: Lots more hot air there now with Francis! He’s definitely changed the climate…
- COEXIST: Francis’ Muslim Love-Fest in Albania
- Caution, Bergoglio speaks off the cuff: Full Text of Francis’ In-Flight Press Conference returning from Albania — Francis believes that Muslims can be martyrs for God; think about how much incentive that leaves for a Catholic not to convert to Islam when he’s being threatened with torture and death to renounce Christ…
- Is Francis getting under your skin?